By Janet Fraser
So I have to write this column about women. What am I going to write? Should I pour out a minuscule portion of my anger at the oppression of my sisters? Or shall I describe the pride I feel when we march together as women belonging to no-one but ourselves? Shall I write of a friend who would rather have a car accident than a baby, or my delight in seeing another friend growing more pregnant by the hour?
Perhaps I should dwell on dykes I know who are preparing a white wedding? Or maybe the problems of custody, divorce and property settlement? When I think about it, I'm really expressing my joy in the diversity of women, brought about by the ability to choose.
"Right to Choose" we march under at pro-choice rallies. "Choose Life", said George Michael. "Choose death", said the cynics, tiring of cutesie commercialism. Choice is one of those delightfully simple pleasures. The choice between Italian or Thai for dinner, or both. A choice of lovers, sexuality, or positions. On my own simple level, Choice = Freedom on any and every subject.
Imagine if choice had not come on the agenda of life. Women would be featherless battery hens, leaving the chicks only to tend the rooster's comb. Children would be mute and little seen. Men would all be breadwinning louts with no time to don party frocks or trot about Hyde Park carrying spears. And Fred Nile would reign supreme.
(A passing thought: do you suppose Elaine acknowledges the women who won her right to run for parliament?)
Then choice is the spice of life. So what of publishers choosing American Psycho? Or producers choosing Rambo 17 over Thelma and Louise. Well, the choice I'm talking about is choice made by people with opened eyes. People unaware of all options cannot make real choices. The same public educative process that could, for example, show society real, loving lesbianism must be brought to fruition in all areas. Girls rebelling at harassment by brothers and peers must know they can choose feminism. People squeamish at the violence and misogyny of movies need to know they can rebel and complain until film makers listen to them. Publishers need to know that detailed descriptions of rape and torture will not be chosen by people who object to entertainment making them feel terrified and nauseous.
So let's choose our way to the perfect society. Choose activism above apathy. Choose choice. Defend the Right to Choose!