Anti-militarism forum
By Ryan Scott
MELBOURNE — Pro-democracy activists in Indonesia and Burma confront increasing repression, the people of Bougainville struggle against Australian-trained and -equipped PNG troops, East Timor remains an occupied territory, US military bases dot the Asia-Pacific region, and military exercises blight the Australian landscape with increasing frequency. The need for regional solidarity is clear.
The Asia Pacific Anti-Militarism Forum at Brunswick Town Hall, March 28-April 1, aims to facilitate dialogue and inspire solidarity between activists in the Asia-Pacific region.
Aboriginal activists and activists from Bougainville, East Timor, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, West Papua and New Zealand will attend. Discussion will cover how power is exercised in Australia; the media and militarism; and sexism, racism and militarism.
The forum will also discuss the environmental damage caused by the Australia-US Tandem Thrust war games in Queensland.
Zohl de Ishtar, author of Daughters of the Pacific, will speak on the effect of militarism and colonialism on women in the region; Nico Warouw, international representative of the People's Democratic Party of Indonesia, will speak about the democracy struggle in his country; Joan Wingfield will talk about the Kokatha Aboriginal people's struggle.
Activist skills workshops and exhibitions of posters, photographs, banners and T-shirts will run throughout the conference.
The forum will conclude with a public action. To register, contact Campaign Against Militarism on (03) 9481 7610.