Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Thursday, 10pm and Saturday, 10.30pm. Ph 9565 5522.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Ph 9633 6976.
Dateline: East Timor — inside the militia — Reporter David O'Shea interviews Eurico Guterres, leader of the anti-independence Aitarak militia, and presents Human Rights Watch evidence of the Indonesian military's arming, funding and maintenance of the militia. SBS, Wednesday, August 18, 8.30pm.
Paradise Bent: Boys Will Be Girls in Samoa — Focuses on the roles fa'afafines play in the predominantly Christian Samoa. Fa'afafine means "in the manner of a woman" in the Polynesian language and refers to men who are raised as females from childhood. SBS, Friday, August 20, 8.30pm.
The Bribe of the Bullet — A revealing documentary about the dark side of Mexico's "free trade". The program illustrates the pervasiveness of the power of drug traffickers in Mexico, and explores the assassinations of Archbishop Juan Posados Ocampo and presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosi. SBS, Monday, August 23, 12.35am.
Democracy: Survival and Cooperation — A panel featuring Palestinian activist Hanan Ashrawi, Indonesian academic Arief Budiman, "post-Marxist" Beatrix Campbell, right-winger Gerard Henderson and the inevitable Phillip Adams. ABC-TV, Tuesday, August 24, 11.05pm.
History's Turning Points: The Conquest of the Incas — Spanish raider Pizarro and his 170 conquistadors followed the Andes to Peru in 1532. The Inca leader Atahualpa offered hospitality. In response, Pizarro's cut-throats ambushed and killed 5000 people. Despite a huge ransom, Pizarro kept Atahualpa prisoner and finally killed him. About 90% of the Incas died from hunger, disease or war as a result of the Spanish invasion. SBS, Wednesday, August 25, 7.30pm.