Actively Radical TV — Sydney community television's progressive current affairs producers tackle the hard issues from the activist's point of view. CTS Sydney (UHF 31), every Sunday, 9-11pm. Ph 9565 5522.
Access News — Melbourne community TV, Channel 31, has excellent coverage of industrial, environmental and community actions throughout Victoria. Access News broadcasts every Monday at 8pm. Ph 9633 6976.
Vanish — Through the eyes of three generations of women, this program charts the Gamilaroi people's 90-year struggle against racial oppression. ABC-TV, Sunday, July 2, 1pm.
Bertrand Russell: the Search for Love — As a philosopher, political agitator and sage, Russell influenced millions of people. However, few had an inkling of the hypocrisy, cruelty and betrayals of his private life. ABC-TV, Sunday, July 2, 6pm.
Bush Mechanics — A very funny look at how remote Aboriginal communities keep their cars on the road. A carload of people make the trek to "town" to buy a new car. Their ingenuity will amaze you. ABC-TV, Tuesday, July 4, 8pm.
Wrong Side of the Road — The classic 1980s film that follows the bands US Mob and No Fixed Address on tour, including running a gauntlet of hostile cops. ABC-TV, Tuesday, July 4, 11.15pm.
Ray's Story — Educated and angry, Ray returns to Redfern to dedicate himself to defending his people against racism. ABC-TV, Wednesday, July 5, 11.15pm.
New York: a Documentary Film — This documentary, five years in the making, looks like being an excellent social history of the world's most famous city. The first episode charts the development of the city by the Dutch from 1624. ABC-TV, Thursday, July 6, 9.30pm.
Babakiueria — Another classic film. It examines black-white relations in the land of Babakiueria. This wry mockumentary examines the plight of the oppressed white minority who, having been dispossessed of their land, must obey the laws and customs of the black majority. ABC-TV, Thursday, July 6, 11.15pm.