Platypus Man — This documentary focuses on the work of John Wamsley, dedicated environmentalist and creator of the Warrawong Sanctuary in the Adelaide Hills. ABC, 12.30am, Wednesday, September 14.
As It Happened: Acts of War — A two-part series which looks at the roles of George Bush and Saddam Hussein in the shaping the Gulf War. SBS, 8.30pm, Thursday, September 15.
People and Places: Craft — Design in Sydney looks at the work of Ilaria and Angelo Logi, world famous silversmiths, who have been inspired by the flora and fauna of Australia and Aboriginal art. Artists of Arnhem Land is a portrait of David Malangi, the Aboriginal artist who designed the pattern on the one dollar note. SBS, 6pm, Thursday, September 15.
Red Dwarf: Meltdown — The crew are transported to Waxworld, a giant theme park where waxroids run amok. They find themselves teaming up with history's goodies (from Elvis to Einstein) to fight the baddies (from Caligula to Hitler). ABC, 11.30pm, Friday, September 16.
The Man From Auntie — A comedy series featuring Ben Elton. ABC, 9.30pm, Saturday, September 17.
(All times are AEST.)