While Palestinian, Israeli and international non-violent protesters who march against Israel鈥檚 policies in the Occupied Territories are literally showered in sewage, beaten, arbitrarily arrested and sometimes killed by Israeli forces, the battle against non-violent resistance has taken its own ugly form in Australia.
Supporters of the non-violent global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement 鈥 especially members of the Greens 鈥 have been subjected to abuse in a deliberate national campaign of misinformation and slurs orchestrated against them. It has questioned their values and integrity and falsely accused them of anti-Semitism.
The war on BDS is part of a concerted effort to sabotage Palestinian and Israeli non-violent resistance against Israel鈥檚 43-year-old illegal occupation and its 63 years of discrimination against non-Jewish Israeli citizens.
Our political elites here in Australia who profess their love for Israel and who have come out strongly against BDS have yet to offer Palestinians and Israelis any real alternative to alter Israel鈥檚 behaviour and to force it to comply with its obligations under international humanitarian law and the Universal Declarations of Human Rights.
Instead they stoop to play the old and abused anti-Semitism card to manipulate the discourse and to silence debate.
Recently, Federal MP Andrew Robb on ABC radio attacked the Greens accusing them of being anti-Semitic. Does Robb believe that all Jews are Israelis?
Does he believe that Israel represents all Jews? Does he hold all Jews world wide collectively responsible for the actions of the state of Israel?
Is he telling us that Jews have a political monolithic view and follow one agenda? The idea of lumping all Jews in the world into one category is inherently a racist idea that must be seen for what it is.
The BDS campaign rejects all forms of stereotypes, all forms of discrimination and all forms of racism including the kind Robb has indulged himself with on air.
The call to boycott Israel did not come about because Israel has a Jewish population but because the state of Israel practises discrimination and apartheid policies. When Palestinian civil society initiated the calls for BDS, it could not care less if the state was Jewish, Muslim or Hindu.
The fact that Israel is a state that oppresses the Palestinians, that denies them their rights and colonises them is the reason they have issued this call.
Robb asked the question 鈥渨hat drives BDS?鈥 If he were genuine in his thirst for knowledge, a quick online search would have pointed him to the three demands made by the BDS call.
The first demand is for an end to the systematic discrimination against Palestinians who are citizens of the state of Israel. Surely no Australian political party is against the idea of equality for all citizens of a state.
The second demand calls for the end to Israel鈥檚 illegal occupation of Palestinian land as per United Nations Security Council resolution 242.
This is completely in line with Australia鈥檚 stated foreign policy, which views the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as occupied land. Why is that considered extreme?
The third and final demand of the BDS movement calls on Israel to meet its obligations towards Palestinian refugees under international humanitarian law and UN Resolution 194.
How can any of these three demands be considered extreme or anti-Semitic?
Unfortunately, our right-wing press is telling our politicians that BDS is part of a campaign to delegitimise Israel, a state they say is based on the foundation of liberal democracy.
But you cannot have a state that has two sets of laws 鈥 one for Jews and one for non-Jews 鈥 and call that a liberal democracy. They claim that BDS demonises Jews, but this is incorrect.
Boycotts in South Africa were never put in place to demonise white people but to bring about change to a racist regime. BDS aims to delegitimise Israeli policies of discrimination and oppression and not, as some have claimed, to destroy Israel. The boycotts against South Africa did not destroy that country; they only dismantled its system of apartheid.
The Israeli government recognises the power of the BDS movement. It sees it as a threat to its current policies of discrimination and apartheid. As a result, it is cracking down on internal dissent and is in the process of making it illegal for Israeli citizens to support BDS.
This is not how democracies work. This is hardly the blueprint on which Australia should model itself.
BDS activists, Israelis and Palestinians are fighting an uphill battle in their quest for equality, freedom and civil liberties. Supporters of BDS in the Greens should be congratulated for supporting justice and equality in Palestine/Israel and for endorsing a movement that is rooted in international humanitarian law and the Universal Declarations of Human Rights.
[Samah Sabawi is a Palestinian-Australian writer, playwright, producer, political analyst, commentator and public speaker on human rights. Sabawi is the public advocate of the Australian advocacy group Australians for Palestine. To download the BDS manual visit www.australiansforpalestine.com .]
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Arab apartheid / Muslim apartheid are the largest 'apartheid systems', that exist today.
Virtually all non-Arabs and/or non-Muslims are second class citizens.
Among minorities that feel the wrath of the bigoted Arab-Muslim world are:
* Berbers (native N. Africans, before Arab invasion).
* Copts (indigenous Egyptians suffer from both: Arab racism and Islamic bigotry).
* Kurds. Examples include: in [Saddam's] Iraq and in Syria.
* Blacks, in Arab lands or in Arab ruled Africa like the genocide in the Sudan and slavery in both Sudan and in Mauritania.
* Asians, particularly in the Gulf Arab states. [Sex slaves or "plain" slaves].
* Maronites-Christians [Native Lebanese] suffer from both Arab ethnic racism and religious bigotry, like the massacres in the 1970s by local Muslims and by Palestinian/Syrian forces.
* Assyrians, are/have been persecuted both racially and religiously. Still very much marginalized in Iraq, for example.
* Iran is not an Arab country but racism is huge against Kurds, Jews, Turkmens, etc. So is anti-non-Muslim bigotry against Christians, Bahai, Zoroastrians and others in the Islamic republic.
* Turkey is also a Muslim non-Arab country and Kurds, Greeks, Armenians and other ethnicities have been through much suffering, genocide. Still there's great wide racism against non-Turkish ethnic groups. Turkey's policy in Cyprus has also been recognized as a real Apartheid by many. All non-Muslims are automatically branded as "foreigners" at the "moderate" Islamic supremacy of Turkey.
* All non-Msulims in 'Islamic Apartheid state' of S. Arabia. Bibles and Jews are offivially banned.
* Al-Akhdam in Yemen.
* Gypsies in Jordan.
Islamic-Arab "Palestine" apartheid:
* Ahmadiyya Muslims are harshly persecuted in (Pakistan and in) the "Palestinian" Apartheid authority and/or by Hamas.
* Descendents of slaves of the Bedouins are still stigmatized by racist "Palestinians."
* Christians are discriminated, persercuted against [especially since Y. Arafat's Islamization of Bethlehem], by Palestine authority and Hamas militant-Islamic regime.
From anti-Jewish Apartheid:
- The Arab racist apartheid against the Jews attempted genocide ever since the 1920s, (Like Mufti of "Palestine" at his incited massacres, and Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood who called simply 'to kill Jews'). - Chased out a Million Jews in the late 1940. - Has boycotted and demonized [every logical defensive action is branded "racist"] the Jewish democratic-free-equal-to-all state only because it's the "other." It is neither Muslim nor purely Arab. - The Arab racist world continues to play with Arab-Palestinians (grandchildren of Arab immigrants) like a ping-pong against Israel.
And the beacon of apartheid has the audacity to charge the only country in the M.E. which is NOT apartheid] multi-racial Israel's beautiful democracy [that often gives preferential treatment for its Arabs over Jews]|||||] with this terminology?
The Arab deceptive propaganda machine that acts as if Arab-Islamic genocidal campaign is not obvious enough to determine Israel's extra security measures [including an anti-terror / anti-massacres wall/fence].
As if we are not fully aware of the 'Arab oil lobby's power' over the UN and other major international organizations and some African officials to go along with the Arab propaganda.
Despite some non-Arabs who jump on this wagon out of: ignorance, of confusion complex, or of sheer bigotry. Never forget, that this entire "apartheid, racism" label was invented by Arab racists ganging up in the UN since 1975.
Even promoter of the apartheid-slur J. Carter admitted on CNN: "I recognize that Israel is a wonderful democracy with freedom of speech and equality of treatment under the law between Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis."
Radnom fact: Israel is a secular system, its laws are based on the Ottoman and British-Mandate rulings that proceeded the reestablishing of the State in its historic place.
Incidentally, the lying Pallywood machine also created a fake "memorandum" (written by an Arab propaganist) claiming that N. Mandela ever uttered this crappy analogy.
Arab Nazism - the origin of the 'apartheid slur' This thesis of falsely comparing Israel to S. Africa's system was invented by Ahmed Shukeiri in 1961. That's right, years before the "occupation" excuse 'appeared' on the scene. (And of course decades before the security fence against Arab massacres was erected). Not by accident was that very same Mr. Shukairy, the aide to the Arab-Islamic Nazi: the Mufti, A. Hitler's ally. Involved in assisting in extermination at the period of WWII. He also identified himeself with Nazis (based in Argentina) in front of the United Nations in 1962.
Last but not least:
Isn't it true that the anti-Jewish "apartheid" slur (Treat the 'A' word like the 'N' word, jpost) campaign is: A) to demonize Jews and B) to hide the real apartheid practiced by the Arab-Islamic world?
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