Build a real opposition in NSW

February 12, 2011
Pip Hinman at a February 7 protest against privatisation in Sydney. Photo: Peter Boyle

At a packed Leichhardt Town Hall candidates meeting on February 7, education minister Verity Firth all but conceded that the Labor state government would not be returned on March 26.

Firth said she was looking forward to rebuilding the ALP from the opposition benches. She was unconvincing.

Firth told the meeting she joined the ALP when she was a 15-year-old idealist. “Genuine lasting change is about more than slogans,” she said.

“When you’re in government you cannot just issue a press release or organise a protest rally ... because governing is far more complex.”

But at a time of unprecedented community organising around issues such as rezoning public buildings for private use, plans to build more roads, tollways and coalmines, and the prospect of coal seam gas mining in suburban Sydney, Firth’s comments are very patronising.

A group of concerned parents from Gosford, who explained that the education minister had rezoned Gosford Public School on the last day of the school year in 2010, was given short shrift by Firth. “We’re building you a brand new school!” she exclaimed.

This is not what most members of the Gosford school community want, the residents told the meeting. The new rezoning rules mean that schools, churches, hospitals and other public sites can be rezoned for residential — or rather developer — use.

The parents explained that all they wanted was for their school to stay as it is. They did not want to be relocated to a “brand new school” within 100 metres of an electricity substation, a methadone clinic and a sexual health clinic — although they explained they were not against these services.

The ALP’s new rezoning rules will be a bonanza for its developer mates.

The Sydney Morning Herald said on January 31: “In the city of Sydney alone more than 120 sites protected as ‘public purpose’ or ‘special use’ will be rezoned for low-density or general housing under the draft Sydney local environment plan.”

The paper also said: “About 50 sites in the Marrickville council area protected for community or educational facilities will be rezoned for low-, medium- or high-density residential development.”

But Firth scolded the Gosford residents. They should blame the local council — in which the ALP is not a majority — for selling off the school’s playing field, she said.

This exchange — in front of about 150 people — underscored the ALP’s arrogance.

Firth said she would make a great member of the ALP “opposition”, but the fact is there will be no real opposition when Labor is trounced at the elections.

Oppositions require a set of policies and values that are different to the ruling party. In NSW, the ALP and the Liberal-National Coalition are virtually indistinguishable in their subservience to the corporate elites.

This is why some traditional ALP voters (with amnesia) will “punish” it by voting for the Coalition. Others will vote for the Greens due to its much more progressive social and environmental policies. And some, who agree that real social change has to come from a complete overhaul of the system, will vote for the Socialist Alliance.

The NSW Greens need thousands more primary votes to have a chance to win the seats of Balmain and Marrickville.

The Greens’ chances will improve if the Liberals preference them, but that seems increasingly unlikely.

At the forum, Greens candidate for Balmain Jamie Parker said he thought it best for the Greens to not distribute preferences. Firth reiterated her “personal view” that Labor should preference the Greens, not the Liberals.

Labor deserves to get the boot, but the Liberal-National Coalition is no alternative. It will slash and privatise community services even more ferociously than Labor has.

That’s why, in the coming NSW election, the Socialist Alliance wants to focus on building a real opposition to both pro-corporate parties. This opposition must go beyond parliament and become a strong grassroots opposition to defend our services and rights.

We need an opposition capable of standing up to the powerful vested interests — an opposition that can mobilise in the streets, in the communities and the trade unions.

To make lasting change, this opposition will have to develop enough to grow new institutions of effective and direct democracy, such as the right to recall our political representatives, the right to community-initiated referendums on important issues, and the formation of community assemblies to give communities a real say.

If you agree, you should support parties like the Socialist Alliance and the Greens, which have stood up against the selfish and socially and environmentally destructive corporate elites and are keen to mobilise people to take charge of our collective future.

[Pip Hinman is the Socialist Alliance candidate for Marrickville in the NSW state elections.]


Well, I'm a Queenslander, this State is run by what is probably the worst government in Australian history. But I saw the NSW treasurer and shadow treasurer on ABC. What can I say, you vote for the same thing, destruction of the environment, sale of all the taxpayer built so multi-nationals can screw you over. Our power supplies are turning gas and our power costs are skyrocketing, so don't get sold on the gas story, it's all for multi-nationals to export. So, who to vote for, anyone who is neither Labor or Liberal, the choice is quite simple, anyone else. Who could do a poorer job. Brian
MPs dead function linked to arrogance, or power and salary elevation deep attached in their heart?? Analysis 1: Refused in reply to voter in community interest expression When [Senator Faulkner said the party needed to face up to some "tough truths". "Our membership is declining and ageing. Our local branches are closing across the country on a monthly basis," Senator Faulkner said. "We need to open the party to more members and give those members more of a say."], I would say it didn’t go far enough to save a party, take a look, and analysis yourself what function should be of a MP. Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms MP: 7th February 2011 RE: Opportunity in Persuading a LGAG Grant in your electoral local government There are lessens what an Australia hung parliament demonstrating deep in voter’s heart all politicians should learn? Australia citizens now enter a very challenging political era for 70 years in the 2010 federal election, many reforms are demanding by voters are looking for a change with anger to share fairer resources supplied lives from the first term of government? Voters handed down their decisive votes during election time are looking for an efficient, effective and economically run government. A high transparency in less mistaken caused processing under no discriminately enforced services government. A long term wealth creative vision with fast action moving forward progressing resulting value add to voters benefits in each term of governing. More comments on hung parliament by Masealake in:; www.;; Voters are crying for action right now to have improved resources support lives that suppose lead by a government in the following eight commitments: 1. What vision of prosperity voters seen? 2. Why action not enough in the past 3 years? 3. How many election promises has been fulfilled? 4. Where productivity motivation to voters? 5. What materials to speed up election promises processing? 6. Why some election promises in powerless process? 7. How far transparency in each department service voters wanted? 8. Where prioritized direction to empowerment the nation? Time for action for you in capitalizes from your voters now? To grasp the opportunity of a LGAG Grant offer from your electoral local government care for your electoral voters in gaining direct “Healthy Active Life” benefits to get political crediting in the coming states and federal election win for your party. Time is limited to apply until to this Friday (18th February 2011) on line application by a local government to compete to win The LGAG grant for your electoral voters. I am urging you now to call on to your local government to convincing them to take on a LGAG Grant application that to benefits all voters/people for their local community’s good first. Remember your active persuading a LGAG Grant in your electoral for your voters benefits possibly will be seen in public before an election held, and applause by your electoral voters that you have done a good job as a MP for your party government, or your party of opposition. Please view more info in attachment, and thank you for your cooperation. Masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD) I can be contact to my email at
Quest what numbers of politicians, political parties, and governments really care for communities concern? It really surprised you very much. I appreciated your final decision in success to complete the filing of a LGAG application in the Federal government preventive health of “Healthy Active Life” program. This important step could be seen of a foundation work that in the possible exploration of opportunities in innovative health/economic convergence development for the mining depleted and aging Broken Hill, and Bourke, Brewarrina, Cobra, Ivanhoe and Wentworth surrounding communities to catch. This step of health/economic convergence development opportunities are by far the largest in national, and international significance if we have our innovative knowledge, elements, resource and supported by this land, people and government; Again, providing that China is not yet step in such health/economic convergence development opportunities to start the “Health Olympic Spring China”. “A healthy Las Vegas economy model” with capacity to by pass the 100 years old economical pattern of Las Vergas US, when the city of Las Vegas is incorporated in the year 1911with population 8,422 during 1940 (only 70 years). Because it’s the only first of this kind in the world, that is an economic model going to contain health improvement elements and resource mixed with entertainment and enjoyment in one convergences economy in the central Australia. If we all patient enough to view, and understood the “World Health Report 2012: No Health without research”-A safer future: global public health security in the 21st century marks a turning point in the history of public health, and signals what could be one of the biggest advances in health security in half a century. The achievement of universal and equitable access to healthcare, of health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and of other health goals is more likely to be realized through research and the use of research in informing health policies. Unfortunately, the reality is that research on critical topics is lacking, and health policies are often not well-informed by research evidence. Poorly-informed decision making, coupled with a lack of trust in research, are some of the reasons why services sometimes fail to reach those most in need, why health indicators may be off-track and why many countries are unlikely to meet the health MDGs. The World Health Report 2012 will justify that research helps, and that research is essential to improve health outcomes. If we think seriously about the ABC business editor Peter Ryan report on February 28, 2011 the impact warning from Reserve Bank board member Professor Warwick McKibbin has warned of a potentially devastating bubble in global commodity prices and property prices in Asia. Professor McKibbin, who is also director of the research school of economics at the Australian National University, says if there is a big downturn in Asia Australia could be hit harder because of Australia's reliance on resource revenue. If politicians are nervously to think of this month Broken hill city by election and the New South Wale state election. If political parties calm enough not to worry if they have done their great efforts in supported community development in where? What use of people’s land for? What communities wanted from this land? What opportunities they need? And what benefits they should, or will gain. Again, what are innovative ideas of politicians, political parties, and governments have been in efficient, effective, and economical governance in their best efforts to enable communities to reach these goals? You are very welcome to break the news to all Broken hill city voters to assure them a “Time for Action” that will enable them soon to have such great opportunity to assist them to get a change for a better health. We are together to grasp, and to develop this LGAG program into action that in lay down the “Healthy Active Life” program foundation for a brighter prosperity and health future. masealake
Member of Parliament Dear Sir/madam: 17th February 2011 RE: Opportunity in Persuading a LGAG Grant in your electoral local government This is a second letter I am sending to you since the first one sent on the dated 7th this month. I have submitted couple letters to all councils relating to above grant program in which strictly available only to a local government; I don’t find even an auto replied in receipt from your electoral office, and not yet hear from you. You are a politician representing the communities in your electoral boundary as the definition in democratic system, as there my email address and mobile phone enclosed for your communication, whether you have missed the first one, here I re-send again, plus more info attached to a compressed file for your examination, and approval. Here below: ● Project Directorship of Preventive Health LGAG Grant ● Opportunity in Persuading a LGAG Grant in your electoral local government I get excite the opportunity to serving people in a “Healthy Active Life” federal government’s grant program that communities have opportunity to get to the basic in health development in which a politician should actively to perused for their electoral voters benefits, otherwise what’s a politician need for in that region? Voter’s voice and concern must be heard from you? But this opportunity only last until to this Friday. It’s in your decision whether the communities of your electoral boundary will able to grasp for their long term good health in a Health Development Program-“Healthy Active Life”. Act now; it’s in your duty voters would like to see your act to show you care for them, the care for them in their health development in way to improved health from chronic disease that the federal government placing great efforts in action that required each of you to promote for the good to all people, the good to this nation’s productivity in economic development; and it’s not just a matter of power and high salary some politician are chasing for? There are lessens what an Australia hung parliament demonstrating deep in voter’s heart all politicians should learn from all matter relating voters wanted? Australia citizens now enter a very challenging political era for 70 years in the 2010 federal election, many reforms are demanding by voters are looking for a change with anger to share fairer resources supplied lives from the first term of government? Voters handed down their decisive votes during election time are looking for an efficient, effective and economically run government. A high transparency in less mistaken caused processing under no discriminately enforced services government. A long term wealth creative vision with fast action moving forward progressing resulting value add to voters benefits in each term of governing. More comments on hung parliament by Masealake in:; www.;; Voters are crying for action right now to have improved resources support lives that suppose lead by a government in the following eight commitments: 1. What vision of prosperity voters seen? 2. Why action not enough in the past 3 years? 3. How many election promises has been fulfilled? 4. Where productivity motivation to voters? 5. What materials to speed up election promises processing? 6. Why some election promises in powerless process? 7. How far transparency in each department service voters wanted? 8. Where prioritized direction to empowerment the nation? Time for action for you in capitalizes from your voters now? To grasp the opportunity of a LGAG Grant offer from your electoral local government care for your electoral voters in gaining direct “Healthy Active Life” benefits to get political crediting in the coming states and federal election win for your party. Time is limited to apply until to this Friday (18th February 2011) on line application by a local government to compete to win The LGAG grant for your electoral voters. I am urging you now to call on to your local government to convincing them to take on a LGAG Grant application that to benefits all voters/people for their local community’s good first. Remember your active persuading a LGAG Grant in your electoral for your voters benefits possibly will be seen in public before an election held, and applause by your electoral voters that you have done a good job as a MP for your party government, or your party of opposition. Please view more info in attachment, and thank you for your cooperation. masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD) I can be contact to my email at, or my mobile phone: xxxxxxx Please see attached reference in LGAG compressed folders: 1. Director all states 2. Letter to the Prime Minister 3. Health Department replied 4. ARC Future Fellowship 5. ARC replied 6. APHA Showcasing
Labor will not win in next states and federal election without a new direction to sooth voters broken heart, following a 70 years hung parliament eruption. KARL Bitar has resigned as the ALP's national secretary after strong internal criticism of his management of Labor's 2010 election campaign. The voters’ hearts broken not only anger the one or two in election conducted, if we take a look at the careless tested below an example of what our $1.65 millions spending each of Politician care for community development are liked? It really should surprised to all communities very much when there was no one MP responds to such greatest health/economic development from previous two letters sent through to all MPs in nation wide. This important step could be seen of a foundation work that in the possible exploration of opportunities in innovative health/economic convergence development for the mining depleted and aging Broken Hill, and Bourke, Brewarrina, Cobra, Ivanhoe and Wentworth surrounding communities to catch of: “A healthy Las Vegas economy model” with capacity to by passes the 100 years old economical pattern of Las Vergas US if achieved? This step of health/economic convergence development opportunities are by far the largest in national, and international significance if we have our innovative knowledge, elements, resource and supported by this land, people and government; Again, what are innovative ideas of politicians, political parties, and governments have been in efficient, effective, and economical governance in their best efforts to enable communities to reach these goals? Masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD since 1993) Full details are linked to the following web site:
Will you believe Barry's O'Farrell is able to put NSW back to number one state? Barry's O'Farrell Five Point Action Plan in lower taxes, create new jobs, cut red tape, and boost tourism funding……, believe it or not, every voter can simply put them up in mouth show if they liked? Barry's O'Farrell Five Point Action Plan will not fundamentally change the course in rebuilding the NSW economy as number one state without innovative ideas, innovative resources support, innovative products, and innovative projects in total actions in today’s world knowledge economy? When we look at what today’s shrinking industries, such of agriculture (34% of fruit and 19% of vegetables imported); manufacture (10.5% by 2005–6). If we think over from the previous terms under John Howard’s coalition government chasing mainly on mining and education revenues that burst the world highest housing price bubble, what the greatest hiding economic residual impacts extent on all states today, and foreseeable future? “This country now is right down to only two industries. All we've got left in this country is iron ore and coal," as Federal independent MP Bob Katter said on 7 News February 15, 2011, 4:32 pm. Will you believe Barry's O'Farrell Five Point Action Plan going to put NSW back to number 1 state? Masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD since 1993) Full details are linked to the following web site:
Why believe coalition committed to health reform without implementing the Preventive Health? It’s all about power and money most Politicians and parties wanted above all and after all election? Just listen how Barry O'Farrell convincing voters: “The key to our program is giving medical professionals a bigger say in how health services are delivered in their area. These are the people who know what their patients need…so we will be listening to them”. Take a look below the link subject: “Time for Action” in “Healthy Active Life” program that convert Broken hill into a Healthy Las Vergas Broken Hill economy? Link with ... . When we look at what Kevin Rudd’s labor government has expend John Howard’s coalition government endorsed Preventive Health program into “Healthy Active Life” program phase 1-2 before oust. Will you then still believe Mr Barry O'Farrell’s coalition opposition is committed to health reform (put some money in some hospital if you liked)? Then call it rebuild the hospital system through Better Hospitals and Healthcare program? A truly health reform that would fix all health problems? Will you also believe there were only 1-2 Politicians responding to this greatest “Healthy Las Vergas Broken Hill economy model”? Why the most Politicians do fail their own test in spend little brain work to come up some innovative idea that truly achieve the health reform materialized benefits to all voters? Masealake (Member of Inventor Association QLD)

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