Campbell continues in ALP
By Stephen Robson
PERTH — The MHR for Kalgoorlie, Graeme Campbell, has always been a loose cannon for Labor. Campbell has always outspokenly supported the interests of the mining companies.
So with the mining industry in Western Australia attempting to push the lie that it will be disadvantaged by the Keating government's legislation on "Mabo", Campbell was obliging.
Campbell indicated through the establishment media that he would vote against the legislation when it came before the House of Representatives.
Campbell has made clear his reactionary views on quite a range of issues: tighter immigration restrictions; opposition multiculturalism and affirmative action; strong support for the monarchy.
In recent weeks Campbell has also spoken at meetings of the racist League of Rights.
The ALP National Executive at its meeting on November 26 considered a motion from the WA ALP State Executive to expel Campbell.
Prior to the date, a deal was stitched up following a meeting between Keating and Campbell. In return for his vote for the legislation, Campbell would not face expulsion.
By November 26, Campbell had indeed voted "reluctantly" for the legislation, the National Executive kept its part of the bargain and Campbell continues to peddle his reactionary views, at home in the ALP.