Combined Unions Choir song book launched
BRISBANE — Two hundred people packed into Paddington Workers Club for the Queensland Combined Unions Choir's 10th anniversary concert on November 7. Highlights of the performance included the hilarious satire "Jack was a Bagman", written by Denis Peel; the anti-war song "If I were free"; and Mark Shortis' "Off with the Pixies (the Skase Operetta)" and "Union"; and "Reconciliation 200 Years", featuring the stupendous voice of Lexine Solomon. A song book was launched to mark the occasion. Compiled by a committed team of choir members, it satisfies as both a musical and a historical document. It features great photos and wonderful artwork by choir member Colin Merrill. Copies can be obtained for $10 by contacting ACTUQ on (07) 3846 2468.
Photo by Mark Cronin.