East Timor protests
June 2 — 1500 students take part in a free-speech assembly at the University of East Timor, despite attempts by the university rector to prevent it.
June 3 — 253 prisoners in Becora Jail in Dili begin an indefinite hunger strike and refuse to return to their cells. About 100 had been stricken by a "mysterious" case of food poisoning on June 2.
June 6 — More than 3000 take part in a free-speech forum at the governor's residence. The governor, Abilio Soares, was jeered by most when he spoke of supporting "autonomy".
June 10 — 3000 students protest at the University of East Timor, rejecting Habibie's offer of "special status" for East Timor.
June 12 — 1500 students hold a peaceful seven-hour sit-in at the Foreign Ministry in Jakarta. They were violently attacked by Indonesian soldiers.
June 13 — 1000 students at the University of East Timor hold another rally for self-determination.
June 18 — A reported 10,000 students and young people demonstrate outside the governor's office after the fatal shooting of a Timorese youth the day before.