details = Sleep
Five Stories High
Backspace Theatre (as part of Hobart Fringe Festival) — January 29-30, $10/8 concession
Review by Jane Marni
Hobart's women's circus, Five Stories High, presents feminist performance art. It is based on a playful, community oriented, supportive environment.
Five Stories High's latest show, Sleep, tells the story of a woman encountering creatures of her mind which come out when she is asleep. By meeting these mind creatures, (not just the good and the fantastic, but also the self-doubting, aggressive and insecure), we make ourselves whole.
Monika Kurkiewicz, director and performer, says, "There is a clear connection between day-time reality and the internal journeys we take at night". By taking note of and accepting diversity we can make a connection with ourselves, she says.
The show uses individual and group expression, by means of acrobatics and acrobalance. This mixture is visually effective and gives good imagery to the performance.
The feminist philosophy of this circus embraces consideration, cooperation, conflict resolution and equal opportunity to speak. This translates into physical and emotional support for each performer.
More broadly, the circus exemplifies how human compassion is so important in day to day life. Kurkiewicz says, "It is important for women to have positive and self-expressive role models and the women's circus is a vehicle for women's self-expression".