91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly is launching a major subscription drive from this issue until the end of the year.
We want to get Australia's best socialist weekly newspaper out into the hands of more readers over the next eight weeks.
Why? Because in a period of heightened right-wing attacks on civil liberties and free speech, the truth about defending the interests of the people must get out there even more broadly.
GLW is receiving increased attention as the most recognised journal of progressive news and ideas in this country. Even far-right Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi thinks so.
Andrew Masterson wrote in the Age on September 27: "Mere minutes after it happened, Senator Cory Bernardi lashed the ousting of Tony Abbott as 'treacherous'.
"He also made it plain he considers Malcolm Turnbull to be a man who stands well to the left of Karl Marx and who, far from being prime minister, is best suited to hanging around outside train stations, trying to flog copies of 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly."
We think that is highly unlikely.
But, if anyone wants to get the best coverage of Australian and international politics from a genuine left-wing viewpoint, then they should buy and read GLW.
Better still, subscribe, and receive regular, weekly copies of the paper in your letterbox.
That way you won't miss out on GLW's unmatched news and opinion, firmly from the side of working people and the environment.
You can also choose to receive the paper as an e-subscription if you wish.
An introductory sub is only $10 for seven issues. And don't forget to renew when your initial subscription expires.
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