“The national mobilisation called for by Xiomara Castro on Friday night became a massive, angry funeral procession today in Tegucigalpa,” the reported on November 30 on the protests against the theft of the Honduran elections six days earlier.
The Supreme Electoral Council declared right-wing National Party candidate Juan Orlando Hernandez the elected president, despite evidence of significant fraud. Supporters of the left-wing Liberty and Refoundation Party (LIBRE) insist that Castro, LIBRE presidential candidate, won the vote.
The night before the huge march, two members of LIBRE were murdered in the capital, Tegucigalpa. Honduras Resists said, “there were unconfirmed reports of another in Olancho and a bomb was set off at another resistance locale”.
The post said: “Today's march accompanied the coffin of Jose Antonio Ardon, 'Emo 2' from the Pedagogic University to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and then to his wake at the national teachers union hall.”
Castro, Manuel Zelaya (overthrown in a 2009 coup), and other LIBRE leaders from LIBRE and the National Front of Popular Resistance (FNRP) spoke, denouncing the fraud, lies and violence. Honduras Resists said speakers, “called on people to take the coup against Zelaya.
Honduras Resists said: “Thousands of marchers chanted, sang and shouted emotionally, carrying LIBRE flags, and hand-made signs. Person after person told our team that Juan Orlando Hernandez and the National Party are usurpers and not the legitimate government.
“LIBRE is filing a formal challenge to the announced results and has vowed to fight in the courts and international bodies as well as the streets.”