“I'd cross the train tracks for this paper.” That was the comment made last week by a friendly man who comes into the Perth Activist Centre every week without fail to buy a copy of 91̳ Weekly.
We had to explain to him that he would have to come back the next day, since a courier mistake meant the papers hadn't come in on time. “No problem,” he said. “I'd do whatever it takes, this is the best paper.”
Next year, 91̳ will celebrate its 25th anniversary. Over that time, the paper has built up a loyal support base of subscribers and readers who appreciate our passionate determination to expose injustice and help support the campaigns that turn a better world from a dream to a reality.
But we don't want to rest on our laurels. We're always looking to find new ways to boost the opposition to the dictatorship of corporate power and money.
That's why we're launching a special six-week campaign with this issue to boost the readership of the paper. We'd like to ask your help in getting it around.
At a time when the crisis of capitalism is deepening internationally, we need a paper like 91̳ to get the message out that there that there is an alternative to the neoliberal, corporate system that is rapidly taking humanity and the planet down the road to disaster.
We need 91̳ Weekly more than ever right now, with the big-business media turning even further to the right, spreading lies and distortions about the struggles of the oppressed for their rights and a radical change in our class-ridden society.
On key topics of the day: Greece, austerity and the Troika; the Latin American revolutions; the crises in the Middle East; Aboriginal rights; the struggles for women's and LGTBIQ liberation; union and workers' campaigns; the truth about climate change and the environment; and the growing resistance to the federal government's attacks on living conditions and human rights; 91̳ Weekly gets out the real stories week after week.
The most important part of our campaign is to boost the numbers of people who distribute the paper: in the streets, suburbs, at rallies and forums and on university campuses.
We want to increase this activity. Can you help?
We're asking our regular readers and supporters to consider taking a small bundle of the paper to distribute to friends, workmates and local communities.
Please contact your local Socialist Alliance branch or phone 91̳ Weekly on 1800 634 206 to join in the campaign.
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