Inquiry into forced adoptions

February 5, 2011
Greens senator Rachel Siewert.

The federal senate has agreed to an inquiry into the practice of forcible adoption in Australia between the 1940s and ’80s, supporting a motion by Greens Senator Rachel Siewert on November 15.

“Today’s vote starts to recognise the suffering that so many people have endured as a result of forced adoption policies,” Siewert said. “There is no doubt that many women were treated very badly as a result of these policies. Young and vulnerable mothers were pressured into adoptions, and often had to surrender their newborn children without being allowed to see them.

“For many mothers and children, the emotional and psychological damage of these policies continues, and will be felt for the rest of their lives. We must do all we can to address this.”

Calls for an inquiry into, and apology to the victims of forced adoption have been mounting on the wake of campaigns for justice for the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Many of the pretexts used for stealing babies from Aboriginal people were also used to steal babies from non-Aboriginal people, particularly those who were economically or socially marginalised.

Typically, the victims of forced adoption were young, unmarried women and their babies. Reactionary ideologies that cast women who had premarital sex as having sinned justified both a cruel official policy and unsympathetic treatment by medical staff and bureaucrats.

Submission to the inquiry must be sent to or Senate Community Affairs Committee, Department of the Senate, PO Box 6100, Canberra 2600, before February 28. Notes to help prepare a submission are available at .


Since the atrocious number of 9/11's by USA attacking Iraq I am all for an end to the 'Cultures of Contempt'' that are advertised, promoted and perpetuated by Murdoch's media. This kind of culture makes a mockery of journalism and real news media. The murdochracy has come to a place where truth is irrellavent until people like those affected by wars or family and society wars such as forced adoptions come out into the light of day, and gain more than public awareness. What has come to a final bow is the 'cultures of contempt' who will and do as Noam Chomscky says better than I tread on necks to gain at the expense of others misfortune and tragic losses. This form of cultures has lost it's appeal and people are rising. I am totally and utterly outraged that empathy was null and void when these victimised girls and women lost their loved infants to forced adptions, and the numbers (like 9/11) are staggering to more than I alone (as is evidenced and I've discovered by word of mouth and a whole lot of research). Thanks Greens Left Weekly (for raising awareness of facts not deceptive lies and cover ups that serve no one humane sensibilities, and yes I'm part of a generational adoption unit, and will not be named because my birth mother is traumatised by the whole abominable matter.). Trust and have no doubt there are many behind the scenes doing a lot to make amends to the victimised of forced adoptions; whom I fully and humanely support, without any unjust contempt, discrimination or prejudice (they're all one). Russell aka Rowe
I support your stand all the victinised biological mums, dads and babies. I see how Judith Adams (Liberal Senator) has used deceit to her own advantage and is with a conflict of interest to be on any group looking at the submissions and questioning the victims. How dare she, and how dare Rachel Siewert allow this. I see how some woman named Galard has written a defnesive and immoral submission to the senate inquiry and it's the most flagrant and inaccurate account of truth facts. She's also a deceiver as is her boss Tanya Plibersek who is two faced and under the umbrellla of religion (like Bush) will do anything to cover her own back, and the ambition is clearly exagerated. The Greens are politicians too, and even as I first commended their active role to open this Senate Inquiry on further inspection they just want to keep their jobs and are self-seeking, but not as much, as yet as the other political parties. Guess what form of government was in during the Australian Baby Scoop era (Forced Adoptions of thousands of babies to strangers)? Yes, all until Labor got in, yet what is the difference between Labor and Liberal today? Nothing! Politics aside, there are many lawyers presently alert to what they call 'abusive power' and 'disabling of mothers and family' and they''re fair dinkum I hear. The projection as in psychological projection of adoptive parents astounds me. One said: "I adopted from Korea and of course the mum was a prostitute so I had to take care of this poor parentless baby'. Anyone adoptive parent can slander any biological parent and get away with it, except to the thinkers amongst us. This is abominable. That's one abusive form of power in and of itself. The adoptive parents debasing (without proof in this case) the birth mum, and in Korea where DOCS get what they call 'Batches' of babies for Australians to adopt. I got this from two well researched biological mums with a lot of remarkable social capital/ connections, and knows. Shame governments Federal, Terriroty and State, Shame on you all. You disgust me. Your apology is way overdue and so is your rethinking your cultures of contempt as one writer calls you. Megan Wright
Thanks for showing me this post. This Forced Adoptions is a national disgrace in truthful view of the many thousands of girls/women tortured by inhumane and despicable loss, humiliation, isolation without supports or care in Australia, and numbering more than our soldiers who died in the Vietnam war. It's been documented that these women suffer too often the very same wounds or injuries as do returned veterans and I can understand this as a parent even as I have gratefully not lost my children. I'm wondering how much the government representatives on the board looking at this topical and sensitive social issue care. I stand up beside all the victims and am all for your reclaiming your origins and or having all you need to recover and grow. My best wishes lie with the victims and I'm saddened by their plights. James
I'm always totally disturbed by too many Westerners consistent romantacising suffering, torture, poverty and hardship. It's a bad habit you people have. Hollywood has romantacised & glamourised adoptions forced or otherwise to an obscene height that disgusts not only my self but all I know. This truth may shake the glitterati because truth is very painful so be it, they get a taste of their own medicine and learn, grow. As I write this, knowing the culminations of a Commonwealth Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions in Australia is about to say what they will do for the many thousands affected by gross and inhumane causes (more mums and babies in particular than horrifying numbers of soldiers killed in Vietnam War as well as the number of wounded Aussie soldiers in that war) I can't help wondering how Forced Adoptions could have ever been kept SECRET for this long. I know there's been other inquiries and Dr. Geoffrey Rickarby is one remarkable man, but this never made Fox news or any substantial public news media thereby never allowing the Australian people awareness/trurth of the horrifying facts unfolded now. Also can't help thinking no one on earth can consciously romantacise any adoptions. Therefore the people who do haven't yet developed the capacity to think, be conscious and with a soul (not the kind of soul G.Bush ever spoke of) soul as in feeling real. My heart goes out to the victims of forced adoptions. Let there be justice now and an end to this insane romantacising and glamourising the takers who take from anyone suffering, vulnerable or with no supports or real care. An end to romantacising suffering, pain, misfortune, hardship and poverty. Sincerely I end here by wishing the victims new sincere supports from government and all, recovery as much as is possible and to be respected with dignity. Kee
To whoever and all who wrote about the Chief Executive from NSW Human Services Community Services "Gallard's Submission" I add I too am opposed to hers and others in similar positions of "authority" continual unconscionable use of secrecy, cover ups, distortions and lies to protect themselves against the truths of the evil they have done and do. Forced adoptions are evil. The morally just and reasonable have to speak up more about all this. There are good or morally concerned people and bad or morally sick people. Make governments, charities, churches and corporations accountable. Accepting I do not all have nor are behaving unconscionably, too many are. Senate inquiries I watch on television show me an intolerable inhumane lack of senisitivity and humanity with topics about people that are highly sensitive and personal. That's wrong. Somehow "Sensitive Material" appears to belong to other than very personal, individual and collective stories and atrocities, this is all part of the distorted war or terrorism. Lastly, what about looking at the terror the "authorities" are imposing on sensitive and vulnerable people. I have to end with reiterating Forced adoptions were/are evil Anthony
After giving this cause a lot of thought the forced adoptions victims have won my family including my own support. The submissions from the Fred Nile's, the Benevolent Society, even State Government of NSW and others made me cringe for their lack of facts and truth. Grow up you guys, you're not believable in print or other with the rubbish you have submitted. When do these people stop infantalising everyone with their distortions and lies. We are not stupid to truth, facts and what did happen with many, many thousands of forced adoption victims. In contrast the submissions from the actual victims read as to be believed, are factual, founded on truth. Re. the pro adoption and pro negative destructive actions toward vulnerable or hurting they're disgusting these mammoth cover ups and lies of horrific affairs the government, churches and charities perpetuated maliciously. If they do this again, watch out. When do the guilty stop assuaging their guilty consciences by these very cover ups and lies 'cause everyone can see straight through them. I cringe at this thug kind of people. Good luck to the victims from my family and I. We're supportive of you in every way possible. Gerard Thomson and Family Extended ......................................................................................
I recently met several women who have gone through a lot of what this news media is telling. One told me about her reunion with her biological son. It must be a nightmare to come face to face with someone you've been parted from for years, and someone whom you lost through malicious malpractices and control freaks in any time frame. It was from one of the few I met who talked with me openly and truthfully, who also showed me pictures she received at reunion with her biological and rejecting son. She was handed a few photos by her son, one was of the adoptive parents (whole lot older than her) and these parents had the American Flag waving in the background of their two wedded faces. I'm not kidding you I felt embarassed for these jerks of wantobe parents who couldn't conceive their own and wanted some vulnerable victims, who also hung their caps on the American flag even though they were fair dinkum Aussies. Imperialism on the adoption scene. (they'd watched too much Fox obviously, read too much Murdoch or plain had no brains at all) There was another pic. a young adolescent boy shoving chicken into his mouth. The adoptive son told the biological mum at reunion 'My parents wanted me to join the military when I was adolescent, that I did, but I had to put on a lot of weight to get in there, I was too skinny' 'I hated it and it wasn't me, but I went there'. (Control freak adoptive parents and what a misfit they were. Made me think who does the choosing.) Next I saw another photo the biol. mum was given by her adoptive son: the skinniest most malnourished infant and yes the very son. I couldn't help thinking well they bloody well denied the mum feeding the baby and this is the baby as it was at adoption's first photo, a total crime against humanity in that one photo said heaps and much was in all those photos and in the mothers words which had solid facts to backup her story. I want to see this Inquiry reaping apologies and admitting their mistakes finally. What I heard and saw from three women who were victims of this travesty of justice to say the least has haunted me. Who the hell takes a baby away from their biological mum in the ways the Senate Inquiry has or is investigating? This is too serious for any politician or political party to promote their own agenda on. Rachel you understand who you're representing. You are as they/us all; a fellow citizen. Sam
The eminent Doctor G. Rickarby wrote in his submission to a prior inquiry about this social injustice talking of the "untouchable Salvation Army and other" (Ican't recall the exact "other". It may have been Crown street with it's renowned horrific malpractices of pushing pillows over mothers heads whilst they birthed their babies and this being one amongst other emotional and physical abuses of the birth mothers. Horrifying is not the right word, it's a bit like what is happening in Guatanamo Bay to people supposed to be evil. The Birth Mothers and their babies were neither evil nor bad, simply very, very vulnerable. The Senate Inquiry Committee had better understand this fact. This has been told to me by too many to discount as not be absolutely truth. I want to have my say regarding the emotional abuse the mothers and their babies suffered during their forced adoptions. It was drawn to my attention that too little attention has been given to this dimension of forced adoptions which were widespread far too many. There was the obscene humiliation imposed on the birth mothers that was as Rickarby said rampant and of various draconian nasty cruel means, and caused a form of p.t.s.d. or other anxiety disorder or injury later in life. All emotional and physical abuse causes the victims to suffer lasting and horrific effects, from the causes. I want this to be raised further. Who would torture or degrade emotionally or physically any unwed or wed birthing mother in Australia or anywhere. I've been given the book "The Emotionally Abused Woman" by Beverly Engel M.F.C.C. here highly recommend it to the victims of forced adoptions, as it may hopefully help their healing alongside the counselling they choose to partake in. I'm with every heartfelt condolence to the victims who have suffered what I consider one of the worst types of crimes against humanity. Thanks and best to the victims.
The Senate Inquiry bureaucrats have been asking questions of witnesses. The questioning has been both patronising and condescending. The Senate Inquiry bureaucrats think the victims of forced adoptions are either too ill or feeble minded, and they are showing complete lack of respect to these people. This inquiry is meant to be serious and not another go at the victims of one of the worst human rights abuses in Australian history, yet the bureaucrats talked down to the witnesses. This is yet another example and repetition of the negative, destructive and vile power abuse stemming from a top down government who values profits above people and has not other value. I'm angered at the way this whole inquiry has been conducted and find it all just cause for Human Rights Watch to intervene or some other less patronising agency for victims of tragic past wrongs. These women were and are clearly not feeble minded. The values of the government of the day are now in question and I'm very active with my anger and will make sure further media identifies the present government as having a vile need to always speak down to their and my fellow citizens. The State Territory and Federal governments think they are above the law, and are puppets pulled by people whose value is this alone - Profits over people. Vile, vicious and disgraceful. Sincere and morally accountable governments do not talk down to their fellow citizens no matter what their socioeconomic profiles. For the victims I would advise taking this further along until your justice is given you in a dignified and human fashion. This is healthy. Profits over people is very unhealthy for everyone ultimately. This pattern of bureaucrats honing in on finances over people has come to a place where abusive power mongers want to rule without any remorse for all their errors and tortures such as the severest emotional abuse the victims of forced adoptions suffer.
Good article about forced adoptions by Kerry Smith. It doesn't cover the whole gamut of causes and effects of forced adoptions as they weren't all about sexual repression however this played a part but it does speak up and out about a topical social cause swept under the carpet and whilst many suffer what most couldn't endure, a form of emotional or psychological torture. I've also read Dylan Welch's article in the Age titled Mums relive trauma of forced adoptions and this covers a lot of pertinent ground with facts about government policies of the day. The submissions are tragic and I'm concerned about the people who could not submit to the government due to their individual circumstances. These people are not cowardly nor do they have no right to speak up about what has damaged them and though silent I can hear them, just as Dr. Geoff Rickarby wrote of these ones. With every respect for the targets of this vile abuse and with all due respect to the Greens and 91̳ Weekly for making news available and a Senate Inquiry that in my mind is long time coming though timely in many respects. More kids are being shoved out of their family nests by a series of governmental systems policies and pracrices that penalises the disadvantaged. This will only stop when more and more people talk publicly about the serious social situations terrible precarious circumstances many vulnerable are and were exposed too. The Greens senators are doing well to look at this. The Greens seem to be the only ones looking from a place of compassion and human rights. It's fact the mums and babies had no voices no choices and no cupports in a country that should know better. Randall
They inflicted severe physical and mental pain on the mothers of many thousands of unmarried women and girls in the name of family for either infertile or needy adoptive parents. These physical and mental pains do amount to torture. The mental anguish of this mass infliction on very vulnerable mothers is not only unlawful it is also horrifying when you realise the anguish doesn't ever go away. One woman at a Salvation Army home in Marrickville was shown her after-birth a clot of blood as if it were her born infant. Her doctor had left and this was presented to her not her infant. She only saw her infant once to dress and under the most puntive directives. That one vision has caused her to see flashbacks again and again of white sheets and this metal bowl with a terrifying clot of blood which was not her daughter born to her but afterbirth. This is torture of one form. No one told her she had given birth to a beautiful daughter who was to be taken from her by strangers who had no organic link with her and her history or background. Another image this woman speaks of is signing a paper she couldn't see. Her tears were profound as she knew they were commanding not asking her to sign or lose her own life. This is another facet of torture. The same woman was denied food for fourteen days and received one small slice of cake to eat (denying food is one way to gain the signature they required and they wanted this that badly) whilst in hospital run by a corporation who will not admit their wrong and show no remorse today about what she and I can only imagine others also had inflicted upon them. What kind of corporation or church run institution can do these kinds of things and get away with them time after time. What kind of professional health care worker could have done this to one woman and if one why not all the rest. I'm sure this wasn't personal and it most certainly wasn't professional gyno. health care protocol. This woman today has nightmares and cannot sleep for fear she wont wake up. This woman has every knowledge of papers that were lost, destroyed or shredded that she signed that the Salvation Army will not admit to ever pushing in her face to sign under duress. This woman was a minor and didn't have to sign any papers as she wasn't old enough to do so. There is a lot for this church corporation to answer for and if they can't repent they will continue to repeat their pattern of torturous abuse on vulnerable others. I raise all this because I believe the Salvation Army are holding back and still have a prejudice against unmarried mothers. I have a file that reads as such and it's intolerable. I am asking the Salvation Army Head Office Personnel to start looking at their role in Forced Adoptions as Dr. Geoff Rickarby states clearly they are one part of a wider group of wrong doers who stubbornly and without conscience wont concede to any past errors as far as forced adoptions are concerned even as they were at the forefront of very many. For the woman who I admire for eventually finding an identity and a conscionable admirable character who still has to attend counselling and may have to all her life I take my hat off. Her character with depth of empathy and humanity is immense and remarkable. She has not done unto others as they had done to her. For the Salvation Army who are known torturers I am well versed in who and where I will send any of my clients and none will go to that organisation for care of any kind not whilst I maintain my own conscience and professional responsibility to name and shame people who outright tortured vulnerable unmarried woman for funds and favours to what were supposedly better off parents, and with their assumptions and prejudices that exclude ignorance as any excuse. It never is. The biological mother I know was and is the better off in ways no amount of money can accommodate. The Salvation Army have a great deal to answer for and it matters not a hoot whether this happened the day before yesterday or twenty years ago. When are they going to apologise for their terrifying role in forced adoptions in Australia? Charles D.
I think Senator Rachel Siewert is either bit confused or may be mistaken. She has publicly expressed OPINIONS ARE DIVIDED re. a national apology. I heartily disagree and with full knowing the senator talks of opinions as if they are facts. The Inquiry and any inquiry should be based on empirical data, not random opinions. This is not a good look Senator Siewert, for the Greens or any politician. The Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions is about facts and too many horrifying ones for my liking have emerged and the people are no longer silent, including adoptive parents. See Carol Bland's offer to assist the birth parents of her adopted infant who lost this person in 1973 at Salvation Army's Bethesda Marrickville in news spread. In hope the multitiered governments and the churchs and corporations can show the ability to face their past shames and we can all then move on. Otherwise we will all be watching every single repetition or surrogacy like hawks because this is all about crimes against humanity that are vile. There's possibly if not probably no one more vulnerable than a mother of any age with an unborn and then born infant. When will people see the old school denial of empirical data doesn't work anymore. When will Rachel Siewert see she's sitting on the fence her self? Why? In hope this all changes and how. Nancy Freeman
Senator Rachel Siewert nobody thinks it's separate a baby from his or her mother and vice versa. It's a torture to do this. It's a very (I emphasise VERY) profoundly psychologically trauma to separate the mother from the baby. Forced Adoptions have made milllions all over the world very angry and it's healthy anger that the Australian governments owe the victims of this travesty an apology and to ask them for their forgiveness for this overt and covert torture that has claimed too many lives and diminished too many human values in our society. Malcolm
I'm at school and have been given this information about forced adoptions. I'm just thinking why aren't people thinking about all the people who are affected when someone or a company or government separates mother from her baby? What a nation I'm learning about with all these secrets and I don't believe the government when they say "It's yesterday" 'cause it's still happening only in different ways. Governments and churchs have to, I think, start being empathic and understanding. At the moment from what I'm learning they are the opposite unempathic and without understanding. ALL THE PEOPLE WHO SAY YOU DON;T TAKE BABIES AWAY FROM THEIR MOTHERS I AGREE. The students I am friends with have now seen this site and are feeling sick at all this. I think there needs to be an end to controlling governments and a transformation into enabling governments. Mums are entitled to mother their babies and national wealth should be distributed to enable the less fortunate a slice of the Australian cake. So far all of us students are learning is "Economic Stimulus" on our walls at school and a whole lot about some who have too much and others with so little. I want a democratic Australia and will write my essays on just that. I also hope the vitimised people who were treated like the governments back yard that is their property given compensation and a huge government apology. From Barbara
As Dr. Geoff Rickarby poignantly and factually showed us all in his now reknwoned and respected NSW Parl;iamentary Inquiry into Adoption Practices [Excerpts from Dr. Geoff Rickarby's Submission] for a previous Standing Committee on Social Issues, the natural mothers were not *drug addicts*. (If there were some they 'were uncommon' and he observed very many for many, many years now having a profound depth of inights into past forced adoptions.) Read Bronwyn Bishop's government bent on adoptions today being fully aware of her stand on a lot and there's the herd mentality in there as well as discrimination yet again. I've no doubt she fully supports the infertility industry's all over the world. There has to be a stop to the discrimination, stigmatising and negatively labelling of unmarried mothers and their babies. Too many in government are in bed with the infetility industry and that's further clues to hate crimes such as Forced Adoptions which are just that due to discrimination. I don't believe the Greens are doing this even as they differ in their views about subjects. I give this social injustice my support and hope for the innocent vicrtims who were brutalised beyond any civil, decent or human capacity. Cheers Abi
For all interested in what is meant to be a charter Australia is tied to even as we do not as yet have a bill of human rights this still stands and I believe should have impacted so Forced Adoptions didn't and don't again occur. See: *The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women* [1981] *The Convention on the Rights of the Child* [1989 *The Convention Against Torture and other cruel, inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [1989]. It's clear as can be Australia then [the opinion makers and takers] did not care one bit about human freedom. Freedom entails non-coerced situations and autonomous decision making. None of the vast number of forced adoption victims were given any such *Freedom* which I would further call human decency, human dignity and plain unmercenary treatments. Thankyou
i was a mum who baby was forced adoption my mum was sick and my dad was a heavy drinker i was taken away from my parents and went to court as i was neglected child i was put in a catholic girls home where i was mistreated so i run away several times i was looking for some love which i have never had i run away and fell pregnat i went to a salvation army home for unmarried mothers they were just the same as the catholics they took my baby there is some paper i didn't sign and some the other i was forced by holding my hand and it did happen to people in unmarried homes i was a lot of thing that happened to other people and i was threating if i said anything things would happen to me i love my son then and still do now i miss the birthdays easter mother's day and any otheer day he will always be in my heart
i am a person who lost her baby to forced adoptions i will tell you what it done to me it put a big hole in my heart which will never go away i am always thinking of what they have done to me it made me feel useless i couldn't hold a job or powerless i was niave and poor i was sent to a salvation army home for unwed mothers my baby was born in the 60's i was brought up but the church as a nobody's child a run away a gutter slut not even my family wonted me this is some of the things that i was told every day while i was in there care i have some proof where they signed my papers and they did it by typing my name instead of me signing it also the legal age was 21 years and there is a lot of us was under the age of concent who was forced in signing it was brought up about 1999 and nothing was really done about it i didn't tell you my story because my i was brought up in a girls home because of my mum being sick and my dad was a drunk and family didn't wont me and i was looking for someone to love me iam reading what you are saying and crying i come from tasmania sorry i can't spell very well as inever got a good education
I've written a bit about the Corporation and Church (all one in this instance) the Salvation Army and in response to Evelyn. I don't know if it will be included however I outline how Dr. Geoff Rickarby writes in his Senate Inquiry Submissions how the Catholic Church and the Salvation Army were two players in Forced Adoptions who were *untouchable*. One has now apologised, the Catholic Church, whilst the other has remained deafeningly silent and they are The Corporate (in over 120 countries) Salvation Army. Why are the covering their faces I ask again? I also wonder is it because they don't want further scrutiny and criticism as they have received from their discriminatory views about our fellow family the homosexuals amongst us all who are with all human rights to dignity and social inclusion (yet not much *inclusion* with The Salvation Army.) Why not? Thanks again Abi(gail)
After reading a lot of these this is for Evelyn who was degraded and treated in most despicable terrorising ways by "The Salvation Army" I say you should be proud of your self for coming through all this, and they the Salvation Army need to look in the mirror and start owning up to their horriyfing injustices against vulnerable and isolated as you were. Evelyn you are a very important person and no one can take the fact you have the wherewithal to express how you feel. Anger at injustice as this is very healthy. I'm with outrage at The Salvation Army it's funny how many people I'm meeting who feel the same way. They have a great deal to answer for and Evelyn your story is in no way an isolated case. There were thousands at the homes and hospitals run by The Salvation Army. They are always taking yet their motto is all about grace but they didn't show Evelyn any grace and too many ask why they didn't. They are being asked to apologise and we're all looking forward to this. Corporation or not there are ethics even in corporations and accountability matters now. Frank
I second Frank's comment. Truth of the matter is the Salvation Army are pathetic. I know of a woman who is well-known in many circles and whose contributed with a lot of creative work. She was admitted to Bethesda Salvation Army Hospital as a private patient and with her own private doctor even as she was a child really, adolescent. What "kindness and care" did she get as a patient and paying one: She was denied foods for fourteen days whilst kept sedated and the doctor didn't know what was happening as she wasn't able to talk. she went into shock. The doctor apparently made rare visits as it was right on Christmas, but the staff made sure they got this girl at the time she was in "care" to sign a form under draconian cruelty measures (no foods) as well as other humilations, cruelties and ultimately forms of torture. They showed this woman her after-birth instead of her baby when her son was born. The only time they allowed her to even see her baby was when the adoptive parents had come to collect him, and she didn't even know how to dress her baby as she was in tears and anguish,/ She did dress the baby yet not knowing the commands were not warranted; and has flashbacks of a lot of the profound trauma even with supports today. The flashbacks never cease she has told me a few of them (I've been in shock), and I now am understanding of how pathetic the phrase is "get over it". With forced adoptions and the loss therein there are specific areas of a woman's life where she can;t just "let it be". The Senate Inquiry has raised a lot of anguish for this woman. I'm all with Evelyn and all with this woman and all with a national and state as well as territory apologies. Women don't have to bear the brunt of others discriminations and malpractices and when they do justice does eventually come to the fore. Ultimately these women now want to move forward with a determiation yet without authorities showing some basic principles and places like the Salvation Army owning what it did the stigma remains. The stigma and scar remains on the Salvation Army and it's cohorts also. That stigma is a scar and stigma on the national psyche as someone I read wrote. Mothers and their families matter. Phillip
My husband is still looking for his mother. He was born 8th November, 1970 at Royal hospital for Women in Paddington. No one stopped to think about these babies and how these adoptions would affect them and their lives. My husband rebelled all his life. He never felt loved or wanted by anyone. He was told by his adoptive parents at the age of 3 that he was adopted and that his mother didnt want him when he was born. From that day on, he always felt like he belonged to nothing. Life for him was not so great. My husband had many run ins with the law and didnt care where he ended up because no-one cared about him. It wasnt until he me me at the age of 28 that his life started to mean something. I fell pregnant with his first son. He to this day cannot imagine life without his children (we have three now) and worse still, trying to imagine having them taken away from their mother's arms at birth. My husband still cries for his mother. He is 42 years old. My heart breaks. Its so hard to locate her. All his life he has been trying to find her yet no success. This has been damaging to him especially on his birth day. We dont celebrate it as he doesnt want to be reminded of the day he was ripped out of his mother's arms.
This website is very informative. I know there is still discrimination of women with babies alone. I understand from a relative perspective how terrifying it must have been for the mothers and their babies when they were coerced to sign and do what no one had any right to ask of them. I also know the hospital's and one in particular are indecent in their apologies continuing to imply fault and blame on the natural mothers, this being the Royal Woman's Hospital in Victoria. They're spokeswomen who I read in the news talked as though she didn't care at all except to cover the hospital. The patients mere outside of it all. What a joke.I thought this social issue was about 'caring'. It's time to look at why people are trying it on again yet again discriminating. I'm not against adoptions of babies from wartorn countries and the like, but in Australia no matter what decade it's as I said terrifying to read all I've read and hear all I've heard on television about these vile acts imposed on innocent people. I'm wondering if Australia is going to grow up, or at least start to care. Samantha
I want justice for all the women and their children affected by forced adoptions. Im totally against the discrimination of single mothers/fathers. I'm ashamed forced adoptions happened in Australia and ashamed of past and present governments for their dangerous damaging behavors that made decency and humanity unusual rather than norm words and actions. Well done forced adoptions mums and offspring for coming forward in various ways as this is a major social injustice. Torture in any form is a major injustice. Melissa Social Science
The Human Rights Commission is peak government body meant to look at discrimination and not least marital status discrimination. One of the most outstanding facets of forced adoptions is the truth the mothers were unmarried and thereby deemed "unfit* to care love and nurture their own biological babies. The Human Rights Commission has Laws and one of them is it submits input into Parliamentary Inquiries (including ones such as Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions) and yet this peak Human Rights Commission (and the Commissioner who'll be leaving post in July to be taken over by another "Commissioner") has without reason as well as without any explanation given to anyone who asks them why they have neglected this social injustice and obviously to many people ignored this social injustice completely. A lot of people are asking why? Thanks George
We all know this is the Greens Weekly and this media is open and contains factual truth news media. One fact the readers of this segment may be interested in knowing about even as it's not 91̳ Media news is next Monday night ABC Television in Australia is showing a program on 4 Corners at 7.30pm about Forced Adoptions and the Senate Inquiry into Forced adoptions. Thats the 27th February 2012. If someone cant catch the tv program and want to they can see it via IVIEW on the internet after the program as many if not most readers may know. There may be a follow up on the 5th March? May well be be very informative and helpful for interested parties as the Senate advises it's "Report " on the senate Inquiry into forced Adoptions on the 29th February. 91̳ Weekly I hope you too have news media about the Report. youre trustworthy; a paper that makes a difference giving people knowledge and truths some leave out. Thanks George
James again. Whats big wrong in forced adoptions is the victims were and still are scrutinised and judged. I was adopted out but didn't know the real story 'till too late and can see I was and my mum was and still are being scrutinised and judged all through our seperated lives. {Thats not fair. Thats unforgiveable.} Go figure that too.
Tomorrow night on 4 Corners there'll be a show called 'Given or Taken?' about forced adoptions. (it's not only the question mark that has aroused a lot of peoples justifiable ire and for some justifiable outrage.). The programs all well and good except when you realise the title to begin with is negative biased and questioning harshly the integrity and honesty of hundreds of forced adoption targets who've submitted to the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions not excluding the many other thousands who are known to have suffered from this social injustice. Many still do to our national shame. It's recognised 4 Corners is government subsidised news media. 4 Corners may be showing a program that is very much with the direction of the government behind it. This is worth thinking about. Further public Ire and outrage if this it truth. It's recognised by conscionable people now the harrowing stories are too many and too many to discount as not factual as they have commonalities. They also come from people who seek only one thing justice for what they had to go through, what many could not endure and no mother and baby should ever have to endure. Some have called it torture, I and mine would have to agree it certainly is Very profoudly psychologically traumatic to lose your infant at birth via force or coercion; any form of bullying and it happened en masse as is evidenced by the findings on the Inquiry into Forced Adoptions. Some of but not all the psychological and physical abuses used against the Mothers and the Babies were: Stilboestral used to de-lactate mothers milk, a carcinogenic drug, without the mothers knowledge nor permission to accept. Not allowing the birth mothers to give their babies their own human sustenance and putting their own lives at risk of cancer. Pillows over heads or heavily sedating drugs used, many to point of near (at times certain) unconsciousness, rampantly given the mothers to sedate them into a state of further than already confusion to sign (under duress) papers to lose their infants to perfect strangers. Documented isolation of the targets Mothers with Infants no less, carrying them in their wombs and then birthing them; another form of bullying bordering if not factually torture. Stigmatising and labeling like cans the mothers as 'bad' 'not good enough' 'wantonly giving up their own blood' 'unwed thereby unfit to mother'. Stigmatising the babies as if they were (as long ago were labelled) 'illegitimate' a term not in usage far too many decades now. Not allowing the mothers to see their own born infants at birth, a normal practice by ethical nursing and doctoral staff at materinity facilities, denial of mother/baby nurturance an loving care. Shaming and blaming mothers who asked for information as until the 90's in most states (yet not all) mothers were denied knowing anything (by law) about their growing children and vice versa. Shaming and slandering mothers who were the constant outcasts of certain conservative members of society who discriminate/d on the grounds of marital status and turned away from their own throwing them to the wolves. Surrounding all this ABC 4 Corners television have already publicised their agenda and it reads there will be at least one social worker and other hospital staff who were working at the hospitals (or homes) where these Forced Adoptions occured. They will be on one side and the victimised mothers on the other. Like a debate yet this is a complex and senstive social injustice not a game. These staff members (who'd by now be elderly you'd think as most of the targets were very young) have already publicly said on the 4 Corners program advertisement: 'we didn't ask them to sign' (under duress), and 'the mothers didn't want to see their babies'. If this were the case it would have been the very rare exception and not the rule so why even raise these staff to raise this rubbish. They did want to see (and love) their babies, it's been shown now. They were coerced to sign what they didn't know anything about, that's also proven truth. Of course you have to realise they/the ex-staff, have no choice to say otherwise because if they did there would be further outrage than there already is about Forced Adoptions and the abuses therein. The public are sick and tired about hearing of families torn apart from Forced Adoptions, It's by this time a National Shame. Public ire and outrage about it all is real. There would also be reason for these staff to be held highly accountable, unless they lie as it appears they are going to if we read the advertisement correctly and it was made public without distortion? The staff on the coal face didn't want to lose face when Forced Adoptions were happening and certainly don't want to do so today. Their reputations were and are being scrutinised and judged. This wont be any less if they continue this line of 'the mothers didn't want to see their babies', and of course 'we didn't ask them to sign papers' etc..Hogwash. Neither do certain callous conservatives behind the whole national disgrace that forced adoptions were still are want to lose face and stand accountable. Yet they are. There's something dodgy about a program titling itself 'Given or Taken?' (question mark) after the facts of abuse have been unearthed and proven; empirical data unravelled. There's something dogy about fact the public who watch 4 Corners television or see this on Monday Night 8.30pm 27th February 2012 or later on iVIEW; will be shown two sides, one with a conflict if interest the workers of the time (it sounds fair yet when you look deeper it isn't) the other being the victimised Forced Adoptions Targets. One of these has a 'conflict of interest' that stounds out a mile and these are the adult professional staff who were practicing their social wortk and 'caring roles' for the mothers and their babies who lost (not gave) their babies to Forced Adoptions. I'm unable to abide ABC Television, and Radio going this political to this extent and in the supposed name of truth news media on a social injustice as this human one. Life matters. The only reason my wife, family and I will be watching this program is to see if the victimised will yet again be intimidated and floored and to be able to record this if it happens. If this does occur it reflects back to ABC to be accountable and scrutinised. The victimised have gone through enough, there's no need for ABC to be this insensible and insensitive. 'Given or Taken?' this title alone leaves the public perplexed and steamrollers over all the empirical data that's emerged about the abuses suffered by targets of Forced Adoptions. It's noteable this program goes to air two days prior to the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions giving the Australian people their Report. Thankyou 91̳ Weekly. The Byrnes
I agree a petty Sorry is not enough. Whoops we just damagingly abused many thousands, weren't thinking. John Cleese could make a great skit of this one. yet it's no joke at all. ABC 4 Corners are showing a program tonight 27th February 2012 at 8.30 called 'Given orTaken?' The title appears negative biased against the natural mums ;cause there's now ample evidence the babies were coerced away from many thousands of natural mothers. There's too many commonalities to ignore this truth. It's a bit sad too because the two sides will be 1) Those affected by forced adoptions right from the coal face 20 Staff who were on that coal face as adult professionals meant to be caring for their maternity patients. The latter (social worker and hospital staff) have claimed in a pre-news media write up about the 4 Cormers program 'we didn't ask them to sign' and 'they the mothers] didn't want to see their babies': Ballony. There might have been one or two who fall into this line, but they would be the exception not the rule, and raising that is an obvious attempt to avoid accountabilty and responsibilty for forced adoptions they played a part in. Shame shame shame/ Do they want to knock down the targets of forced adoptions yet again. They can't and wont do this. Bullys beware, you're like two year olds holding your hands over your eyes saying 'you can't see me' when everyone can. With all human respect for two year olds who are two.
Maybe it's not good enough to say Sorry, Apologise or ask the targets of Forced Adoptions (Adoptees and their Mothers and Fathers) for their Forgiveness, and it's all about what they actually do to show that Apology or Sorry or ask for Forgiveness is Sincere and followed through. I think so.
My interest is that of one of the stolen children and at the age of 64 I still don't know the truth. It's so demoralising when I'm asked for family medical history and I can't give any answers. I have never been loved by the couple who raised me, he abused me - physically, emotionally and sexually while at the same time being an upstanding member of the local catholic community who had (through his occupation) had extended contact with other children and I often wonder if he abused them as well? To put it mildly I'm a square peg in a round hole, always have been and always will be, I don't have any sense of belonging and nobody could care less if I was dead or alive. That's a fact I've had to face. I was sent to a catholic school in the 1950's and was continually canned, often with comments along the line of my 'father' not paying school fees and of course when I arrived home and relayed these messages from the nuns, he would go into a fit of rage and take the belt from his trousers and I would be beaten once more...this time with the belt buckle. My 'mother' was a hypochondriac and I wonder if this was her way of keeping out of his sight although she never spoke out when he was beating me, she used to tell me quietly later, that I should change my ways and not be so naughty because I deserved all I was getting. My 'sister' was (imho) their natural daughter and we were treated soooo differently it wasn't funny. There MUST be people who know the truth about my background and none of them will admit to knowing anything, they just change the subject when I ask questions. I even posted a notice in the newspaper where I was raised, asking for someone to send confidential and anonymous information...all I got was abuse from one anonymous person, claiming to be a friend of my 'mothers'. From the vitriol she sprouted she doesn't know the story anyway because there were untruths in her letter. Where does someone in my situation start their search? BD&M told me on several occasions there is no notation of my birth record, and that the original handwritten records were destroyed in a fire at Crown Street Women's Hospital in approx 1952. I believe that my birth mother was in fact my maiden aunt and I was adopted by her brother and his wife all done through the catholic church but of course, I haven't been able to confirm or deny this fact either. It's mainly a gut feeling coupled with little snippets over many years that all point to this assumption. Nevertheless I still feel robbed...and where/who is my birth father? A clairvoyant told me he was either a catholic priest or an officer in the Army...both could have been correct because the spinster aunt had male friends from both occupations. Yes, I know what some of you are saying about clairvoyants and I was exactly the same....100% cynical BUT on both occasions they revealed parts of my background that NOBODY knew about, except of course, those who were secretly involved. Whatever remains of those birth records should be made available to ALL of us who request them....I know some people won't want to know of their past and that's OK, but for those of us who do, the records should be available free of charge. In closing I also feel for the thousands of women who's babies were taken from them and fully support this inquiry but I feel it should be extended to cover the stolen children as well, otherwise it's pointless covering only one side of the equation.
I wrote something about 4 Corners which I now see was not fair or right. The 'Given or Taken?' was just a title. Though possibly title's draw attention and may need to be revised? What I warched and actively listened too on this program what my friends and family saw was sensitive journalism and a whole lot of terrible sadness from the targets, as well as very fine talks from staff and Shirlee Swain, and for my self especially Dr. Geoffrey Rickarby who I know to be so aware about forced adoptions from many many years of working with these. What a fine program and I hope ABC air more after the Report is finalised. Thankyou ABC. Please excuse my cynicism or whatever it was I expressed prior. Thankyou 91̳ weekly
Isn't the Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions looking at infants who were stolen? Forced Adoptions are a form of stealing an infant from one's natural parent/s. That's my impression, whether they be anglo, european, indigenous or any culture? If anyone has clear views about this would appreciate their wisdom. Thankyou
All forced adoptions babies were robbed from their natural mothers by stealth, deception, discimination, ommissions of duty of care or due care and patient care and mistreatments that amount for many to tortures which produced Very profound pysychological and it's other aspect physical traumas which are often ongoing. There is some reprieve with specialised professional non drug often grief counselling or non drug analysis. That answers the question about 'stolen babies'. Whether they be from indigenous, anglo saxon, european or any other culture the mothers, and fathers who admitted paternity, their infants obviously, were not given any voices choices or supports to even hold feed love and nurture their own flesh and blood let alone raise them into childhood and then adulthood.
It seemed to my colleague and self the 4 Corners program 'Given or Taken?' was saying "It was the attitude of the day". This is questionable for a number of reasons. All throughout history there have been emotionally intelligent men and women who have felt empathy. As a matter of fact it's not only emotionally intelligent who have and do feel this emotion, all adults have or should acquire this capacity and act on it, it's part of humanity. Where was it when forced adoptions occurred? (and we're talking over quarter of a milllion mothers and babies here). Best wishes to the targets of the bully's J.Lee
I'm here saying I think the Greens deserve a lot of credit for the now released Report. For being so tireless and extending of themselves with this Senate Inquiry into forced adoptions. They instigated it via Senator Rachel Siewert, highly commendable, and they didn't stop until they gathered enough evidence and wide overview from not just the submissions, though there were approx. 400 of these if not more. There were forces that didn;t want these truths to be unearthed, we all know this. However, they are now as several Senators have rightly said 'in the history books as truth,' 'forced adoptions from traumatised, bullied and highly vulnerable mostly adolescent mothers with their infants'. The reports been tabled and now there is the follow through which the Report has recommended. It should be of interest to all and any who care about our fellow man and the past social injustices where any human rights or unethical to degree of horror acts happen. It is to many I know. Thanks 91̳ Weekly for leaving your site open as this all progresses. (The work has been done but the apologies from state and territory plus commonwealth have as yet been given etc.) Carl
A friend of mine has told me how they watched the ABC 4 Corners show on television 'Given or Taken' and this was their response: "Many still seem to be using the nazi excuse that they were just doing their job and that they felt they were doing the best for the child" It makes me think about the whole show and how the distortions keep happening. Thank goodnes the Report out Wednesday 29th February states the opposite. We have enough bullying and enough "nazi excuse" peple condoning as if they were guards in Guantanamo when david Hicks was there "We were just doing our jobs"/ Shame Shame Shame. Hope this 91̳ Weekly doesn't stop showing if they follow up what the Report has suggested. Thanks for allowing me to say this.
The woman whose invisible team and self stood and stand behind the Northern Territory Intervention Nicola Roxon (minister) "has to consider the (Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions) REPORT before any recommendations ..." This is disgraceful such a social injustice as this one (or many) has been given to her and her colleagues (unseen)to "consider" What next Nicola. You get to choose every Report that carries any weight, You and your invisible team. We all stand by the victimised and the REPORT as tabled, those of us conscionable. In hope Carl
The Report on "Senate Inquiry into Forced Adoptions" tabled now, as from Wednesday 25th February 2012 states clearly "History books will now have the truth" but guess whose been chosen to "consider" the Report Recommendations, none other than the woman and her invisible team of bureaucrats and others who inistigated the often called shameful Northern Territory Intervention what too many consider a blunder and damaging toward our first people. Many there have been completely demoralised as a consequence of the "Intervention". Nivcola to "consider" that's a bit rich. That's no worries as too many high profile professionals are now forming their own cases and seeking this social injustice has authentic Apologies and reparations. Abi(gail)
It's slightly different V.V. Some day there may be a Senate Inquiry into the Northern Territory Intervention as Prof. Lorissa Berendt has said. The Senate Inquiry demands that even someone like Nicola Roxon and her advisors do the right thing. This is very different to the N.T. Intervention. I can see how you could be dubious about Nicola, who can't. On the other hand she stands accountable scrutinised and judged (who knows what else, maybe out the door) if she hasn't noticed the public outrage at Forced Adoptions as well as the Report's rightful recommendations as aired in news anyway. Best to the victimised, you're on the map and we care as a nation about your well being. We're all behind you with positive well wishes only. Cheers John
The correction is this it was aired that Nicola Roxon said the Government would have to consider this. I am not taking away from the comments here as we all know that woman's track record in Human rights, or as you've said 'her advisors track record'. Millions spent on what was meant to be for welfare of our first people's went to bureacrats and homes for same didn't happen. shameful. Re this Forced Adoptions the Report is out and about and I think any sensible government official would realise the potential to be displaced if they took it for granted they can get away with murder with these people yet again. Malcolm
The prorgan aured on ABC 4 Corners on 25th February 2012 namedly 'Given or Taken' about Forced Adopions was vetted. It's worth all decent men and women especially the government examining the footage from Nuremberg Trials War Trials from 1945 - 1949, there's a similarity in the vetting. With exceptions of the victimised and Dr. Rickarby maybe one or two others, the whole show was professionals saying "they" instead of "I". That's atrocious and professionally filed now. Perfect legal cover up for Senator Rachel Siewert's what is commendable Inquiry. Yet exposed for what it was now. Even the Senator couldn;t say the truth that sgning under duress is illegal, or that it was all illegal. Vet and you think you'll get away with this. You will not Shameful and very telling of what this government and the news media are allowing as per their directors, to be shown to the public. Shameful to all concerned. Truth media is needed now. My character goes out to the only people with character on the whole show, because they spoke truth and for themselves as one, not they, those individually victimised. The Stewarts
Truth: Forced or Coerced Adoptions are and were illegal. The program on ABC Television 'Given or Taken' was filled with Vetting. There's no excuse for this. The only people who weren't party to this vetting were the individual victimised. They have too much support now for the government to further use this kind of unconscionable wrong doing. Whose Senator Rachel Siewert serving, or is she just doing her job and following orders whilst self promoting at the expense of the damaged some to greater or lesser degree, all as human as she is supposed to be. This is going to backfire on the perpetrators ultimately. Reasonable, thoughtful people can see this vetting and we're huge numbers now. Move out of your 'They" and into standing on your own two feet [be individual and with your own voice] you cowards at ABC and in the Government departments as well as medical professions churchs etc . The Stewarts
I think The Stewarts meant *Vetted* and that's appropriate, Good on the writers of that comment it does show us all some truisms. Cheers Ricky
Despicably there were staff such as nurses and social workers at the maternity hospitals where Coerced adoptions rampantly happened during Australian baby scoop ers who thrived and survived on gulitmongering. The ploy of those who displace their own guilt as well as shame. One example only of their guiltmonering in these horrific abuses: By making the girls or women sign their own consent forms under duress whilst semi-conscious, and undoubtedly in shock, even as their parents or legal guardians had already without the birthing girls or women knowing this signed other such forms, the social workers or nurses displaced their own guilt, and shame supposedly saying ' it wasn't of nor in my hands'. This happens in other situations whereby the guilty wanting to disown their own shame and guilt displace it onto the innocent and unaware. At times on the aware who have no other choices but to sign certain forms. The despicable tactics of guiltmongerers and shame makers is well known and is carried out in deceitful ways. Coercions rely on these tactics and treachorously rob the targets of horrific abuse of any auronomy in freedom of choices or voices. Getting rid of the guilt and shame is done by consciously not owning the others fault. The guiltmongers can all take back their own guilt and shame and own it themselves. Having no empathy or felow feeling that's hard asks of them. Ultimately they do face the consequences of their abominable actions. Time. Thanks Abi(gail)
I've made a mistake on this website saying it was Nicola Roxon and her advisors who instigated the NT Intervention when it was another government and it was the politician Jenny Macklin who said 'closing the gap' whilst widening it to her shame. Jenny Macklin and her advisors are who I really meant. I apologise for this error, it was a human error. Appointed for now ministerJenny Macklin and her advisors have a lot to answer for regarding their appalling atrocious actions and demoralising the original peoples in the Northern Territory Intervention. Causes and effects on our original peoples another shameful past and present. Differently, and on topic, as far as I know the forced adoptions Report is now out and it's I'm told worth reading though lengthy, not too long. I stand by my other comments regarding the unconscionable organisations, governments corporations and churchs (some churchs haven't as yet apologised) Am concerned about this social injustice and proactively concerned. Cheers John
Though I think the apologies should be coming in thick and fast from all governments in Australia for Forced Adoptions, Not to do with this but other comments Malcolm and I apologise for saying Nicola Roxon and her team were responsible for the Northern Territory Intervention. I'm sure a lot of parliamentarians and bureaucrats had a lot to do there and did it unjustly, though it was Jenny Macklin MP who started that mess-up in parts of Northern Territory and most importantly the "Intervention" and it continues. Sometimes it's that a politician does something and another gets the credit and sometimes it's that a politician does something and another gets the flack, how it goes. Doesn't mean I or Malcolm are into news media that's untruthful, we're not writing here about anything but truths being raised, so apologies given. For all the forced adoptions targets not only the ones who gave witness there is imperative need for a National as well as State, Territory apology/s and follow through of the most relevant recommendations for the targets, ones that help their healing all of them, not piecemeal or tokenism as one commenter has said. We all make mistakes, however when they damage hurt or harm to the extreme degree forced adoptions have, this is now raised, there's no turning back, and absolute need for apologies and reparations. Thanks Abi(gail)
The NSW Government ignored the 1994 Parliamentary Inquiry into Forced Adoptions and so did the Benevolent Society who have their P.A.R.C.'s where people had to go to pay for ifentifying info. and organise reunions, and as latter have apologised, and were part of it they all should have nothing to do with anything but further apologies and compensations to targets of forced adoptions. NSW government ignoring that Inquiry is shameful. It had to take 2011 and 2012 before this authentic Inquiry cam about. Shame on NSW Government, they always seem to turn away from their responsibilities. They need to apologise today, as well as the other states and territories except Western Australia who already have. No one should have to go to Benevolent Society for anything to do with forced adoptions, not now. Even if they hadn't apologised they did their damage, and in their best interests they did apologise. They are millionaries. As did the NSW government dismiss the whole 1994 Inquiry, shame. We need ethical organisations who are not afraid to authentically apologise and show these apoligies are for real by actions not just words so the targets are no longer with their stigma and setbacks. So many were left so bereft they live today in a manner no one would want them to, that's shameful also. Cheers Marty and Carmel
i myself was born in crown street maternity hospital during 1960, to a single mother and she in turn kept me but this was only because she had the will power to keep me, she in turn then left the hospital with me and her father helped raise me until she met a gentleman who became my stepdad and they married,,i then proceed to have a baby myself during 1978, although still frowned apon i kept him and wouldnt change a thing, and i feel for the women who had noone and were forced to giveup there babies i had all four of my children without marrying their dad, and today at 51years of age im about to have my 15th grandchild and for this im eternally grateful for my mothers determination tp keep me because each generation is pure joy to our family...because also for many families this was so frowned upon or never spoken about...but with honesty of where you come from does help the family stay strong...illegitimate children deserve their biological roots just does anyone.


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