Spread the word–this year’s International Women’s Day rally will take place FRIDAY, 8 MARCH 2019 at 5:30PM at the STATE LIBRARY on Swanston Street.
We demand:
Justice for First Nations peoples, Indigenous workers’ rights, and land rights
An end to all forms of violence against women and children
An end to all imperialist wars
An end to racism
Access to permanent residence and citizenship rights for all refugees and migrant workers
Secure and decent employment for all, and equal pay for equal work
A living wage for all women in all industries
The right to organise unions and take collective action, including industrial action and solidarity action, free from violence, intimidation, and legal harassment
Health and safety at work, just compensation, and rehabilitation
Paid parental leave and affordable childcare
Full rights and freedom from violence for people of all sexual orientations
Full rights and freedom from violence for trans and gender diverse people
Full rights and freedom from violence for intersex people
Listen to sex worker peer organisations, and support the rights, health, and safety of sex workers, including the full decriminalisation of all forms of sex work
Justice for people with disabilities - freedom from violence, full access to public spaces, and an end to all forms of discrimination
Full reproductive rights for all women
Free and accessible healthcare for all
Affordable housing for all
Social security and a just welfare system
Free and accessible education for all
An end to environmental destruction, and compensation for all victims worldwide