The state of Israel has been in defiance of international law for decades. Along with Israeli and Jewish and other groups around the world, Jews against the Occupation Sydney supports in principle the call of Palestinian civil society for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the state of Israel and the institutions that support it.
We call for targeted boycotts, divestment and sanctions aimed at individuals and organisations in Israel, and elsewhere, that materially and otherwise support the continuing occupation of Palestinian land and the denial of their human and national rights.
We call for this pressure on Israel until it complies with international law.
It is time for the people of the world to act in the non-violent way that can have the most effective impact.
It is time to say enough! Time for boycotts, divestment and sanctions until the state of Israel embraces international law and human rights.
[Abridged from a statement by .]