Just received
It didn't arrive in time for us to review it in this issue, but Left Face looks like the sort of book readers could profitably pore over during their holidays.
Subtitled Soldier Unions and Resistance Movements in Modern Armies, it is written by David Cortright and Max Watts, both of whom have a history of organising resistance inside the military that goes back to the Vietnam War. It covers such movements around the world: from the US to Scandinavia to Spain to Iran to the Philippines.
Published by Greenwood Press, 282 pages. Price is $58.50 (hardback). Left Face is available from the Left Book Club (room 57, Trades Hall, 4 Goulburn St, Sydney 2000, ph (02) 283 3724) or DA Books and Journals, PO Box 163, Mitcham Vic 3132, ph (03) 872 4555). We will have a review in the new year.