Labour movement history
By Catherine Brown
Social History of Australia Enterprises (SHAPE), based in Queensland, and Leftpress are selling bonds to finance the reprinting of Dawn To Dusk — Reminiscences of a Rebel by Ernie Lane.
Lane's book is a participant's passionate account of the Queensland labour movement from the 1890s to World War II. Lane is remembered as the mover of the successful general strike motion during the 1912 Tramways Union dispute. He also wrote One Big Union and many other agitational pamphlets.
Lane is no academic historian. In Dawn to Dusk he describes his "emergence from darkness to light, from the soul destroying philosophy of capitalist individualism to the inspiring humanitarianism of communism".
To finance this project, SHAPE sells bonds or accepts donations. Its last publication, Towards Peace — A Worker's Journey was also funded by the selling of bonds, which are redeemed after the book has been published. SHAPE, in appealing for participation in its latest venture, points out that all bonds were redeemed after their last publication.
To participate in this preservation of Australia's militant labour movement history, contact SHAPE, c/- Leftpress Printing Society, PO Box 5093, West End Qld 4101.