Left on-line
Hackers breach Suharto's defences — Portuguese hackers, protesting against the Indonesian government's occupation of East Timor, recently broke into the Indonesian Military Network home page and altered its contents. Earlier this year, the same group altered the Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs site, replacing it with East Timor solidarity information. Pro-government Indonesian hackers retaliated by breaking into the East Timor campaign site. For more information visit http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,10037,00.html.
Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (http://www.peg.apc.org/~asiet/) — ASIET remains the most reliable source on the struggle of both the East Timorese people and the people of Indonesia against the Suharto dictatorship.
Remote control censorship — A growing number of self-appointed corporate guardians of cyberspace morality are inventing and marketing programs designed to do your thinking for you and automatically block access to web sites they declare "unsuitable" or "offensive" to sensitive minds. A new product is intended allow bosses and principals to control what people are allowed to read on line at work and school. "CyberPatrol Corporate — Internet filtering and access management — Lets businesses restrict content not suited to the office" is how they describe their thought-control software. One of the first sites to be banned is the on-line Industrial Worker (http://www.iww.org/~iw), a US-based anarcho-syndicalist site. It has been blocked because of its alleged "violence and profanity". Of course, the fact that it advocates pro-union politics has nothing to do with it, CyberPatrol's thought police insist. You can take a look at this latest abomination for yourself, at http://www.microsys.com/cpc/default.htm. Our friends at Industrial Worker suggest you tell these patronising creeps what you think by e-mailing them at info@microsys.com
Prevailing Winds (http://www.prevailingwinds.org/index.html) — This must surely be Oliver Stone's favourite site. You'll amaze your friends with left-wing (sort of) conspiracy theories coming out your ears after logging on here! What's more, they are mostly very plausible.
Left On-line welcomes information on new and interesting left and progressive Web sites. Send a short description to glw@greenleft.org.au or visit http://www.greenleft.org.au/. Don't forget to recommend the GLW home page on your travels through the Web!