April Fools' Day
Since the people seemed to grow cold in their devotion at this time, with human apathy greatly increasing, the venerable leader of the nation, being then in his post of pastoral care, desiring to root out the said apathy entirely, and to stimulate more devotion of the people towards such honoured ceremonies as parliamentary question time, laid down with unanimous agreement of all politicians so gathered that immediately after the next break in business a national festival for democracy should be held.The leader said: “Then let the common people themselves begin their hymns as we invite them all to adore the institutions that govern us/them. In order that those of the cynical persuasion might learn the rudiments of our institutions through the evidence of their own eyes, the system of our governance shall be carefully explained to all these neophytes and pagans during this festival to be held throughout the nation on the first day of April next. Henceforth this day shall be known as Voters' Day.”
So each Voters' Day the people gather where they will and take upon themselves the guise of their representatives. And so it came to be that what was once known as April Fools' Day was remade anew and celebrated throughout the land as National Voters' and Charlatans' Day.
This is how it came to pass that each April the first, the gentle people of Australia don masks, wigs and costumes and make much merriment as they represent their leaders as buffoons, pigs, foxes, clowns, monsters, devils and such other embodiments of folly, caricature and evil as their imaginations can dream up.
Imagine, dear readers, if you will, what a great time is had by all of the people during that special time rather than just some of the people the rest of the time.
By Dave Riley