Trust me
"I accept that I will never be leader of the Liberal Party again. It is out of the question." — John Howard in May 1994.
Except from the leader
"In the future I don't think that the party should tolerate outbursts which are designed just to damage the party." — Alexander Downer, after announcing he would resign as Liberal leader.
"[John Howard] looks pretty trim, taut and terrific after his haircut." — National Party leader Tim Fischer, finding something nice to say about the new old Liberal leader.
Opportunity knocks
"I'm not supporting or against him. This is all about self-promotion and good old capitalism." — Artist, trying to sell drawings of O.J. Simpson outside the latter's murder trial in Los Angeles.
All in a day's work
"Cherie Booth, the wife of the [British] Labour leader [Tony Blair], was at the centre of a bitter row over her work as a barrister in pursuing poll tax defaulters ... [She] had one defaulter returned to jail even though she conceded when asking for costs there was no evidence he had any means to pay." — Guardian Weekly, January 29.
"If you want to implement any of the changes I have advocated, you have got to have control of the money." — Australian Medical Association president Dr Brendan Nelson, explaining his decision to seek Liberal preselection for federal parliament.