A soft heart ...?
"It's always anathema to me to have writs out against our own employees. I don't think that's a good way to win the hearts and minds of our people." — CRA's chief executive, Leon Davis, on Comalco's legal action against the striking workers in Weipa two weeks ago.
... or a hard head?
"The CRA contracts drive is a hard-headed business practice and it's part of continuous improvement." — Leon Davis in the next breath.
Crime doesn't pay?
"Corrupt police may keep bribes" — front page headline of the November 30
Sydney Morning Herald reporting on the NSW royal commissioner into police corruption, Justice Wood's decision to allow corrupt police to keep bribes under an amnesty designed to flush out more corrupt police.
Repeat offenders
"Asked why corrupt police should keep ill-gotten gains, Justice Wood said it was an incentive." —
SMH, November 30.
What's new about it?
"... the royal commission has been quite innovative using it's coercive powers and I think this is another example of that innovation." — NSW Police Commissioner, Mr Lauer, supporting the amnesty for corrupt police.
On permanent holiday
According to the British
Independent, Rupert Murdoch's News International UK group paid less than 1.2% tax in the past 10 years despite net profits of nearly $2.12 billion since 1986. The
Independent's accountants confirmed that the chain of financial transactions which made Murdoch's "tax holiday" possible were "completely legal".