"A lot of the things I'm saying on immigration [John Howard] said in 1988, and he is trying to do something about Wik and native title." — Pauline Hanson.
"People do not spend $3 million on a watch to tell the time. People spend that much money to be different." — Francois-Henry Bennahmia, sales director for Swiss watchmaker Audemars Piguet, whose products cost from $7500 to $3 million.
"A giant vacuum cleaner sucking people out of the bush." — Queensland National Party Senator Ron Boswell, on the government's Hilmer competition "reforms".
Seeds of discontent
"The police will not pull out the cassava plants." — The local chief of police after farmers in West Java planted cassava and bananas on the greens of a golf course built on land taken from the farmers for trifling compensation in 1989.
"I'm deeply remorseful." — Michael Yabsley, former minister for corrective services in NSW, noted for his "get tough" attitude, after pleading guilty to driving with blood alcohol level more than three times the legal limit. The judge sentenced Yabsley to a $500 good behaviour bond and allowed him to keep his driving licence.
"It's a very high-class manufacturing company. They create a lot of jobs, they export to 30 countries, and there is no doubt about integrity." — Bob Hawke on his latest job, flogging poker machines in South Africa for Australian manufacturer Aristocrat Leisure Industries.
"We don't talk about how much, but he's very good value." — An Aristocrat Leisure Industries spokesperson, asked about Hawke's salary.