Poor dears
"Unease ... has become something of a permanent state of mind for investors in Russia." — Sheryle Bagwell in the Australian Financial Review.
Stop press
"... there is no real intellectual conservative movement in Australia." — Padraic P. McGuinness in the Sydney Morning Herald, August 12.
That's comforting
"I don't want to give the impression that there are thousands of drunk college students shooting people." — Researcher Henry Wechsler, on a study that found that 3.5% of US university students have guns (other than hunting rifles), and that gun ownership is more common among students who engage in binge drinking.
Made her day
"It was so exciting it was like having Clint Eastwood here." — Liberal MP for Hughes (in Sydney) Danna Vale, on a visit to her electorate by Prime Menzies John Howard.
Not in the genes
"I don't know where he gets it; it's not inherited." — The mother of Mark Brown, grandson of cattle baron Lord Vestey. Brown is a member of Friends of the Earth and of Corporate Watch, which exposes misdeeds of big companies.
"If fees go up, that's because customers are happy with the service." — David Murray, managing director of the Commonwealth Bank, which took in $2 billion in fees in the year to June 30.
"The military of our country has plans to do everything." — US State Department spokesperson James Rubin, asked if the US is planning to send marines to East Timor.
Competitive pricing
"He is very pro-competition." — Cable & Wireless Optus chief executive Chris Anderson, on paying Alan Jones for favourable on-air coverage.