Corporate advisor
"Maybe it's time for [moderate anti-globalisation] groups ... to go further and suspend large-scale demonstrations, like the one scheduled for Genoa." — Time magazine correspondent Romesh Ratnesar writing in the July 23, 2001, issue.
I'm on your side, really I am
"Such an action would argue powerfully, not just against violence but for the movement's capacity to grow beyond raucous protest." — Ratnesar again.
Broad consensus
"Despite a broad consensus on both sides of politics in favour of free trade and open markets, 60 per cent of respondents to AustraliaSCAN's survey believed that 'globalisation is dangerous and a threat to our way of life'." — Australian Financial Review, July 21-22.
"We, as Australians, have gone from being consumers to being people... Within that shift are the seeds of individualism, greater cynicism, and new tribalism which is compassionate yet selfish at the same time." — David Chalke, consultant to Quantum Marketing Research's AustraliaSCAN survey.