Loose Cannons

May 3, 2006

Land of equal opportunity

"The median net worth for African-American families — half have more, half less — is less than one-tenth of the median for white families. That gap is driven largely by differences in home ownership. More than 70% of white families own their homes, compared with about 50% of blacks, the [annual National Urban League's] report says." — USA Today, March 28.

Doing the losing thing

"I strongly believe what we're doing is the right thing ... If I believed we could win, I would pull the troops out." — Emperor George Bush II, April 6.

Refinancing I

"A new [government auditor's] report has criticised the controversial refinancing of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital [located 150 kilometres north-east of London] which saw the private backers net £116 million, while just £34 million was handed back to the hospital." — Norfolk Evening News, April 21.

Refinancing II

"Staff at Norfolk's flagship hospital were yesterday dropped the bombshell news that they may have to make sacrifices in their pay packets as health executives strive to head off 450 job losses. The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Trust's board met yesterday to discuss how to plug a £15m hole in its budget and then sent a briefing to its 5600 staff that job cuts were imminent." — Norfolk Eastern Daily Press, April 27.

Onward Christian soldiers!

"I based a lot of my foreign policy decisions on some things that I think are true. One, I believe there's an Almighty, and secondly, I believe one of the great gifts of the Almighty is the desire in everybody's soul, regardless of what you look like or where you live, to be free." — Emperor Bush, April 24.

From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, May 3, 2006.
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