Help get GLW around!
Pip Hinman
It seems that PM John Howard is keen to make Melbourne Cup week this year very memorable. He wants to introduce his terror bills — aimed at dissenters, including us — and more of his anti-worker bills into parliament, with minimal parliamentary and public discussion.
The federal government has spent at least $40 million trying to convince a sceptical public that its WorkChoices package will protect our jobs and conditions. But its expensive advertising campaign isn't working.
According to a Sydney Morning Herald poll conducted by ACNielsen, more than twice as many people oppose the new IR laws than support them: 84% are aware of Canberra's plan to radically shift power in the workplace in favour of the bosses, but just 23% supported the laws. Fifty-two per cent of respondents opposed them.
The advertising campaign has not only failed to change minds, it may have even backfired — like the government propaganda on both the "children overboard" fiasco and alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
On November 5 and 6, protests will be held in six cities against the new "anti-terror" laws, and in opposition to discrimination against Muslims and repression of those speaking out against Australia's decision to go to war in Iraq (see ad on page 13).
Ten days later, the ACTU has called a national day of action against the new workplace laws (details on page 5).
91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly has been building the November protests because we believe that such public shows of opposition are crucial. Rallies and protests are one of the most democratic ways that ordinary people have of voicing opposition to bad policy, and to an arrogant and self-serving government. People from all walks of life need to come together in solidarity and protest, to push back the fear and division this government is promoting.
GLW plays an important role in building solidarity and confidence. As one subscriber told us the other day, one of the reasons she couldn't live without the paper is that it reminds her that people all over the world think as she does, and are working for change. (You can subscribe online by going to or fill out and send in the clip-off on this page.)
We know there's a huge audience for GLW, but we need help in getting it around. Last week, at the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union office in Melbourne, the regular 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly drop of 20 papers was quickly snapped up — 18 papers went in just under half an hour. Are you in a position to take 20 GLWs to a union office, a cafe, a bookshop or a university? Get in touch with us if you can help.
We rely on people like you who want the truth to get out, and we need help to get GLW out to all the November rallies. The last IR rallies on June 30 and July 1 attracted 350,000 people and were very dispersed.
If you can join us in getting the word out, please get in touch. Our office numbers are on page 2, and our freecall number is 1800 634 206.
Each week we will also be bringing you stories about how supporters of the paper are helping get it around. If you have one, let me know at <>.
From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, November 2, 2005.
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