NT TLC to administer workplace agreements?

September 11, 1996

NT TLC to administer workplace agreements?

By Tim E. Stewart

Darwin — A debate has begun among Northern Territory union officials about whether Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) under Howard's proposed industrial relations laws will be administered by the NT Trades and Labour Council.

At its meeting on August 26, former NT TLC secretary and Australian Education Union official Mark Crossin reported on a "chance" meeting between industrial relations minister Peter Reith and union officials here on August 24. Reith was in Darwin to address a Country Liberal Party conference and agreed to the meeting after being approached by Crossin at the local markets.

Also present at the meeting were CPSU official and TLC vice-president Janet Crews; representatives from the CFMEU, TWU, NTEU and ALMHWU; and Reith's adviser, Nick Waldren.

Issues canvassed with Reith included the effect of AWAs on remote localities, the need to recognise cultural and ceremonial obligations for ATSIC employees, ongoing support for the NT Working Women's Centre and the limitations of proposed legislation upon union rights.

Some TLC delegates were alarmed to hear that Crews had asked Reith about the possibility of the NT TLC being the "shopfront" for offering advice and support, as well as advocacy, for the proposed workplace agreements.

While debate around this issue was limited — in part due to the presence of a visiting ACTU industrial officer and the NT TLC's desire that the ACTU renew funding for the TLC secretary's position — Rob Hitchcock from the ALMHWU spoke up against the idea, saying that it would be a case of fighting the Liberals' anti-union objectives with one hand while the other was helping to implement the attacks.

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