People's Declaration on Global Warming
By Paul Petit
The Australian Greens have recently launched the Australian People's Declaration on Global Warming, a petition opposing the Howard government's arrogant refusal to adopt binding greenhouse gas emission targets.
The aim is to gather as many signatures as possible in order to make it clear to other governments and other peoples that many Australians do not support the government's position.
The signatures need to be collected by mid-November to be collated in time for the Kyoto Climate Change Convention. Organisations and individuals are encouraged to sign; organisations and families can state the number of members they represent.
The declaration reads as follows:
"As citizens of Australia and of the Earth, we believe that the consequences of global warming are likely to be horrific for people and for the environment. We know that it will take a concerted international effort over many decades to avoid the ill-effects of global warming. Yet our Government has failed to take even simple steps to tackle the problem. We declare that our Government does not represent us when it undermines international efforts to reach agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and claims the right to increase — not decrease — Australia's emissions. We are embarrassed by our Government's stance, which we consider immoral and reprehensible. We urge all industrialised countries at the Kyoto Climate Change Convention to commit themselves to uniform and binding targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
The petition was launched on the web, and can be downloaded or replies sent directly by e-mail. Hard copies are also available from Senator Bob Brown's office.
If you can help by gathering signatures, distributing petitions or collecting them again by the deadline, please contact Catherine Moore by mail, fax (02) 6277 3588 or phone (02) 6277 3667, at the Greens' office, Parliament House, Canberra.