The article below is an abridged open letter to Peruvian President Alan Garcia from the Peruvian Association for Human Rights (Aprodeh). Peru has been shaken in recent months by the struggle between indigenous communities in the Amazon and the Garcia government, which passed decrees opening the Amazon to greater exploitation by oil and gas corporations. The indigenous uprising forced the decrees to be overturned, but not before security forces massacred indigenous protesters in Bagua on June 5.
The full letter can be read at . To sign the statement, email
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Through this letter, the citizens of the world write to say that due to the disproportionate and violent police raid to evict the indigenous peoples who were protesting in the town of Bagua, Amazonas, Santiago Manuin Valera, a 52 year-old Awajun indigenous leader, was seriously injured.
At the time of the shooting he was disarmed and calling for peace.
Manuin, chief of the Apus of the five Cuencas de Maria de Nieva, is one of the most important leaders of the Aguaruna-Huambisa communities. A pacifist and a founder of the Jesuit Social Centre, he was president of the Aguaruna-Huambisa Council (CAH) and a member of the struggle committee for the respect for indigenous peoples of the province of Condorcanqui, Amazonas.
He has been recognised internationally for his commitment to the environment and human rights.
On June 5, Santiago Manuin was shot by eight bullets from an AKM rifle. He was taken to the Las Mercedes de Chiclayo hospital.
On June 13, Judge Francisco Miranda Caramutti ordered the arrest of Manuin for his responsibility in the clash that killed dozens of people, including police and indigenous people. It is surprising and offensive that they try to assign to him responsibility for the unfortunate death of the police.
In recent weeks, some authorities have pressed for this pacifist indigenous leader to be discharged [from hospital] and sent to jail, even though his health is delicate and requires medical attention. Manuin has a severe infection. As a result of the bullets, his colon is separated from his body and requires a prolonged and intense treatment.
He is also diabetic, which complicates the healing of his wounds and requires further surgery. The hospital doctors have said Manuin should not be discharged until his health is fully restored.
We have no doubt that behind the arrest warrant against Manuin and other leaders are political motivations aiming to criminalise social protest. Therefore, the citizens of the world, exercising our right and ethical duty to defend life and human rights against all types of abuse, ask through this open letter:
1.That investigations are initiated into the attempt on the life of Santiago Manuin Valera and that the perpetrators and intellectual authors be punished.
2. That this Awajun leader be economically compensated, that an independent medical examination be carried out and that the state guarantees his safety and full recovery, assuming the costs of medical care for injuries suffered.
3. An end to the judicial harassment against Manuin, as well as other social leaders.