Photos by Ali Bakhtiavandi
About 200 Tamils and supporters gathered outside the State Library on May 18 for a candlelight vigil to commemorate those who died in the war between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
An estimated 40,000 civilians died in May 2009, as government forces bombarded displaced Tamil civilians in the diminishing LTTE-controlled area.
Dominic Santhiyapillai, Victorian representative of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam, which is elected by Tamils in the diaspora, said state terrorism is continuing today in the occupied Tamil homeland.
Professor Patrick McGorry spoke of the situation of Tamil refugees in Australia, who have been traumatised first in Sri Lanka, then in Australian detention centres.
Sue Bolton expressed Socialist Alliance's support for Tamil self-determination and for the freedom of Tamil refugees in Australia.
Other speakers included Kath Morton from a refugee support group in Ballarat, Mick Armstrong from Socialist Alternative and Democratic Labor Party Senator John Madigan.