Picket calls for end to war on Bougainville
By Jo Brown
SYDNEY — More than 20 people staged a picket on February 13 outside the Papua New Guinean consulate to protest against the ongoing war on Bougainville.
The picket also demanded the removal of all restrictions on foreign journalists entering Bougainville, after reports were received that PNG troops had been ordered to arrest an Australian and a British journalist on Bougainville and destroy their equipment.
The picket was addressed by Moses Havini, representative of the Bougainville Interim Government, and Vicki Johns from the Bougainville Freedom Movement. Havini and Johns presented a letter to the consul general stating their demands, but were told that he was unable to assist them.
The picketers held banners demanding "Medicine not mortars", and placards displaying photos of the horrific human cost of the war.
Havini told the crowd that the massacres, fighting and destruction continue, with around 20% of Bougainville's population having been killed. Picketers expressed anger at the Australian government's continuing military aid to PNG.