The young as they cry out
The old as they die out
The middle aged as they shout
And the silence from the so-called leaders
Engulfs our lives
'Do something' we scream at them,
The do nothings
Who knit their rugs
Of self-protection
And doing nothing
With words like
'We are meeting our targets'
And 'we are leading the world'
Along with other lies
We no longer accept
And so we gather on our streets
While they still do nothing
Other than protect their profits
And keep the rivers of greenhouse profits
Flowing into their pockets
So the way reveals itself
We workers must cut off their gains
From coal, and oil
Wherever we toil
To make their accounting heavens
That are our earthly hell
Time to tell the truth
And rebel
To reclaim our now, and our future
From those who destroy it
To stop their system
Of destruction
We must stop our work
A new world awaits
If we do this
Otherwise we wait our fate
Of death and destruction
Revolution is the only way
To save us all
Heed the call
Join us
We have a world to win,
And save