popo's dream
Can a dream ruin your life?
One that begins like a train ride
With you stepping off the platform
In your travelling clothes, a vagrant,
the fabric, a story, in which you
wander 'til wearied, and far off ...
The wheels turning, far off a girl
screaming ... closing your eyes
is it breathing, wheels turning,
a girl screaming, high-pitched
and low and close to your ear?
So naked a wish! A robust lover
the blood chug chug chugging
along your veins and the tracks,
and her arms on the bed have a
revolutionary whiteness, semi-fluid
and open and begging consent
But you lie in them as in a dilemma:
Your lover, wheels turning, the chugging
and screaming (integrity is hard
like the leg of a chair —
small boys and dogs
always want to fuck it.) In
the dream the train passes
into a suburb, in the city the walls
all waver and falter. She whispers
your name, do you recognize your
story, quiet voices, clear voices roll
into your ear and the breathing
wheels turning are high
pitched and screaming
"never before, but again"
M.T.C. Cronin