WOLLONGONG — Three hundred people sat in on Wollongong City Council's February 19 meeting and watched in anger as council approved the first stage of a 428-lot residential development at Sandon Point in Thirroul.
The council meeting was cut short when onlookers began chanting "Labor out!" in disgust at the ALP-dominated council's decision. Two days earlier, more than 500 people had rallied in Wollongong Mall against the proposed development.
Sandon Point is of significance to the area's Aborigines, as Aboriginal remains have been found on the site and a land claim has been filed. Development on the filled wetland could also be a disaster.
Representatives of a tent embassy at Sandon Point attended the council meeting, and led a sit-in of the meeting after a rescission motion, filed after council's approval of stage one of the development last December, was voted down 6-3 at the meeting, allowing the development to go ahead.
Illawarra Aboriginal Land Council's Sandon Point spokesperson Roy Kennedy demanded the Aboriginal flag be removed from outside the council chambers, as it was obvious that the council was not serious about reconciliation. A ring of protesters watched solemnly as the flag was later removed and handed to Kennedy.