Choices: Soul Mothers — Women facing parenthood alone talk about support networks, custodial issues and money. Sole mothers are often disadvantaged, whether working or on the pension.
Choices will be relayed to 28 community radio stations around NSW; phone your local station for details. 2SER Sydney, 107.3 FM, Wednesday, March 13, 9pm (repeated Friday, March 15, 9am).
Arts on Air — Sydney's latest program on all things artistic. Every week the show will examine performance, the visual arts, screen-based work, installation and site-specific work, sound art and experimental cinema. 2SER, Sydney, 107.3 FM, begins Saturday, March 16, 11am.
Paul Kelly recorded live — The song he recorded with Kev Carmody and Tiddas, "From Little Things Big Things Grow", established Paul Kelly as one of Australia's most distinctive and poetic songwriters. He has collaborated with many of Australia's best singers, songwriters and groups. This solo concert was recorded during the 1996 Festival of Sydney. ABC Radio National, Sunday, March 17, 4.05pm.
Paradise Lost: Virgin Ground — The early morning epic of William Lane's ill-fated socialist utopian experiment in the wilds of South America continues with the story of the secessionist colony of Cosmi, established in 1893. It lasted much longer than the original colony of New Australia. Hear the reminiscences of the Wood brothers — descendants of the Australian colonists, now in their 80s. ABC Radio National, Thursday, March 21, 1.30am.