2NUR radiothon — Newcastle public radio is holding its annual radiothon August 7-15. NUR relies heavily on its listeners for funds to allow it to broadcast programs that the "mainstream" stations in the Hunter region do not. Some lucky supporter will win a trip for two to the Gold Coast. Other prizes include a home fax machine and $1000 worth of petrol. Phone (049) 215 555 to donate.
Music from the outer islands of Indonesia: Music of the Atoni people of West Timor — The Atoni people live in the highlands of the south-central part of West Timor. Hear music played on bamboo flutes in the forest and songs with leku (plucked lute) accompaniment. ABC FM Stereo, Wednesday, August 4, 10 p.m.
Labour: A celebration of history — 2NUR Newcastle begins a five-part series from material gathered at the recent Labour History Conference held in Newcastle. Featuring speeches, interviews, music and poetry, with a particular emphasis on local history. Every Thursday beginning August 5, 12.30 p.m.
That's History: Singing for Freedom — The Black Brothers are a West Papuan band who, with their families, have had to move from Indonesia to Holland, then to Vanuatu and Australia, because their songs support the Free Papua Movement, OPM. They now live in Canberra, where they struggle to pass their traditions on to their children through music. ABC Radio National, Friday, August 6, 7.10 p.m. (repeated Sunday, August 8, 2.05 p.m.).
Music from the outer islands of Indonesia: Music of Roti — Roti lies immediately west of Timor and is the southernmost island in Indonesia. Rotinese music is known for its traditional epic songs accompanied by sasando, a harp-like instrument found only on Roti. Music for gong and drum ensemble (grup gong) is the other main music style. ABC FM Stereo, Wednesday, August 11, 10 p.m.