Open Learning — Writing the Nation: Australian Literature to 1950 — Coonardoo, a novel by Katharine Susannah Prichard, a feminist and communist, shocked readers in the 1930s with its central theme of sexual relationships between black and white Australians. Despite the novel's romanticism, it is a powerful portrayal of European exploitation of Aboriginal people. ABC Radio National, Wednesday, November 16, 11.05am.
The Coming Out Show — With Kath Duncan and Jackie May. Sex education for women then and now is the focus this week. Karen Mundy and Dani Bellamy explore how older women were taught about their bodies and themselves in the past and discuss how that's changed in the '90s. ABC Radio National, Thursday, November 17, 7.15pm.
That's History — Modern Liberal Leaders: Hewson and Downer — This final program of a series with Pru Goward features interviews with deposed leader John Hewson and his (temporary?) successor, Alexander Downer. ABC Radio National, Friday, November 18, 7.10pm.
Sunday Stereo Season — Pirates of Penzance — By Gilbert and Sullivan. Starring Jon English, Simon Gallaher and Toni Lamond in this performance from the Lyric Theatre, Queensland. The story begins as Frederic (Jon English) is about to reach his 21st birthday and conclude his long apprenticeship to the infamous Pirates of Penzance. This program, the first in a summer season, is simulcast on ABC television. ABC Classic FM, Sunday, November 20, 8.30pm.
ABC News Radio — Continuous news, including parliamentary broadcasts: Adelaide 972 AM, Brisbane 936 AM, Canberra 1440 AM, Hobart 729 AM, Melbourne 1026 AM, Newcastle 1458 AM, Perth 585 AM, Sydney 630 AM.