The first issue of the New Zealand journal greenstone includes a Third World critique of tourism, an interview with Jonathon Porrit, an article on bio-harmonic buildings and an analysis of the impact of GATT talks on the international environment. The editorial collective maintains that environmental problems are largely due to social beliefs and attitudes. The non-profit, bi-monthly magazine is beautifully presented on fully recycled paper. For subscription information, write to PO Box 56-126, Auckland 3, NZ.
The ACT Council of Social Services has released an occasional paper on superannuation, The Super Tax Rort. Those studying or working in this area, or interested in background to their own scheme, can find here an overview of the history of super in Australia, current government and union policy, and an analysis of the discrimination against women in the current system. John Tomlinson writes: "The current round of superannuation schemes simply extend ... inequalities from the work phase into the post-work phase of people's lives." $5 from ACTCOSS, PO Box 195, Civic Square ACT 2608.
A thorough overview of the water you get out of your tap can be found in On the Water Front: Making Your Water Safe to Drink by John Archer. Published by Pure Water Press, the book urges more stringent standards and government policies which recognise that drinking water is a finite resource. From PO Box 85, Brunswick Heads NSW 2483.
The Tasmanian Peace Trust has published, in booklet form, Dr Keith Suter's speech to the inaugural Peace Trust Lecture, in tandem with the Conflict Resolution Network's campaign to eliminate involuntary unemployment. Suter links the issues of unemployment and peace, and examines the role of the church in economic debates. Employment: As Though People Mattered is available from the CRN, PO Box 1016, Chatswood NSW 2057.