Rural firefighters worried about IR laws

November 17, 1993

SYDNEY — The NSW Rural Fire Service Association (RFSA), representing the state's 70,000 rural firefighters, said it will campaign to retain the existing award protection for volunteer rural firefighters, which may be under threat from the federal government's new industrial relations laws.

RFSA executive officer Ken Harris told the ABC on November 17: "Volunteer rural firefighters play a vital role in protecting the lives and property of the people of NSW, and any erosion of awards will seriously put these volunteer services at risk."

The RFSA's concern is that the proposed industrial relations laws will mean that volunteer rural firefighters will no longer have award protection to participate in fire fighting activities, which could be negotiated away.

"Our volunteer rural firefighters need to be protected in their industrial awards to allow them time off work, and to take part in vital firefighting activities and emergency responses."

John Tognolini

From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, November 30, 2005.
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