Hundreds of protesters were arrested during the S26 protests; many remain in appalling conditions in Czech jails. They need your help.
Write to the authorities in Prague to demand the immediate release of the arrestees and the release to embassies and legal observers of lists of all those arrested, when, for what reasons, and where they are being held.
These demands can be sent to the Ministry of the Interior, Stanislaw Gross, phone 02/6143 2971-4, fax 02/6143 3552-3, or email <>.
Also, what is needed for ongoing legal support, trials, and payment of fines remains incredible. Lawyers are few and vastly overworked. For information on making a donation contact <> or contribute to account number: 163 775 396/5100, swift code: INBACZPPIPB, Cs. Armady 35, 160 00, Prague 6 Czech Republic (specify legal support).