SA workers to support anti-racism rally
By Emma Webb
ADELAIDE — The South Australian United Trades and Labour Council has voted to call a two-hour stop-work on August 28, from 2 to 4pm, in solidarity with high school students walking out of school and to ensure that workers can attend the next Resistance anti-racism rally.
At the meeting, held on August 7, delegates heard Ben Philpott, a Resistance member and Adelaide high school student, speak about the last high school walkout and the importance of mobilising against the racism of the federal government and One Nation.
The president of the UTLC, Stephen Spence, them moved that the UTLC support both the high school walkout and the rally, planned to start at 2:15pm in Victoria Square.
Rob Graham, a CPSU delegate, moved an amendment to concretise this support through calling a two-hour stop-work to coincide with the rally.
The motion and amendment were strongly motivated by Martin O'Malley, secretary of the Construction Division of the CFMEU, and Davey Thomason, a CFMEU organiser.
During the discussion, Jan MacMahon, general secretary of the PSA, encouraged the UTLC to assist high school students in gaining support from the SA Principals Association.
Once the motion was passed, Spence noted that this stop-work would test unions in mobilising workers around social issues and that unionists should start organising for it immediately.
Mobilising as many people as possible has gained added importance because the Adelaide branch of One Nation is organising a counter-mobilisation on August 28.
To get involved in organising the walkout and rally, phone 8231 6982.