My cows can't swim!", protested one farmer's sign, with a marker to indicate just how high the water would rise. "Act now or be dammed!", advised another, echoing the overall theme of the 500-strong Save the Mary River rally on September 6 at the Traveston Crossing bridge in south-east Queensland.
The proposed dam on the Mary River has yet to be approved. According to campaign activists, the dam's estimated output (less than 10% in current drought conditions) pales in comparison to the ecological and agricultural devastation that it would likely cause.
The proposed location of the dam is on an alluvial flood plain in a river system that is home to the endangered Mary River turtle and Mary River cod, and the Queensland lungfish, which is listed as vulnerable. Studies indicate that species relocation programs do not effectively protect and maintain populations.
If the dam goes ahead, there will also be increased methane emissions and much viable farmland will be four metres or more under water. For more information, visit .