SHAME on you Kevin Rudd — Prime Minister for all Australians
SHAME on you Jenny Macklin — Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister!
Another party of pretenders — another rudderless ship
@poetry = SHAME on you Kevin Rudd —Prime Minister for all Australians
SHAME on you Jenny Macklin — Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister!
Human rights become difficult and complex only when denied!
You party of oppressors, suppressers, dispossessors and defectors from truth
When governments govern with racist law, who is it that they govern for?
@poetry = SHAME on you Kevin Rudd — Prime Minister for all Australians
SHAME on you Jenny Macklin — Indigenous Affairs Minister!
A party for the future cannot be built nor disguised with age-old lies
You party of non-consulters, assaulters, insulters and defaulters of rights
Your hollow words are diseased, no growth will spring from ring barked trees
@poetry = SHAME on you Kevin Rudd — Prime Minister for all Australians
SHAME on you Jenny Macklin — Federal Indigenous Affairs Minister!
Another party of pretenders — another rudderless ship
When governments govern with racist law, who is it they REALLY govern for?
@auth poem = Karranjal John Hartley