Actions, protests & rallies
Boorloo/Perth & Walyalup/Fremantle

Dumas House
2 Havelock St
Perth WA 6000
New Environment Minister, Amber Jade Sanderson is preparing to sign off on parts of Woodside's planned gas expansion. Woodside is desperate for her to approve it, as it would allow their Pluto LNG facility to process fossil gas from the Scarborough field. We need to let the Minister know that despite any pressure she is feeling from Woodside and BHP, the WA community is against more fossil gas expansion.
If Scarborough gas is allowed to be processed it would release over a billion tonnes of green-house gases across its lifetime and would destroy the ancient Murujuga rock art.
The new Environment and Climate Action Minister's priority needs to be emissions reduction. One week after the International Energy Agency told the world that there can be no new coal, oil and gas projects approved, this is a live case study of how seriously the WA government takes action on climate change.
Join us outside Dumas House to convince Minister Sanderson to say no to Scarborough gas.