Socialist Alliance

February 20, 2002

Lord Mayor campaign launched

DARWIN — Members and supporters of Socialist Alliance gathered in the Resistance Bookshop on February 13 to launch the campaign for Lord Mayor. The candidate, Ruth Ratcliffe, told those assembled that, “now, more than ever we have to be demonstrating that there are political alternatives.

“We have a chance to change this inhumane refugee policy. Socialist Alliance is going to keep on campaigning to win a society that puts people before profits”, Ratcliffe concluded. To get involved phone Ruth (08) 8981 4714 or 0421 504 376.

SA to register in Tasmania

HOBART — The Socialist Alliance is planning to register as a political party in Tasmania in six weeks. This will enable the alliance's name to appear on ballot papers in state elections.

“We need more than 100 people to sign membership declarations and agree to have their name and address published in Tasmania's daily papers”, state Socialist Alliance convener Kamala Emanuel told 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly.

“It is a long time, possibly decades, since a socialist party has been registered in Tasmania. When we achieve registration, it will be an historic step forward for the left.”

Supporters can help the registration push by contacting Kamala Emanuel at PO Box 115, North Hobart 7002, phone 6234 6397 or email <>.

From 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly, February 20, 2002.
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