By Sean Healy
The Malaysian government has taken a further repressive step with the arrest, on November 21, of Tian Chua, the chairperson of the Coalition of People's Democracy and a member of the human rights group SUARAM. Tian Chua was dragged off a public street, manhandled and beaten in front of several witnesses and is yet to be released.
The arrest is part of government attempts to prevent pro-democracy forces organising. The repression includes beatings, use of tear gas and water cannons and draconian legislation such as the Internal Security Act.
Tian Chua's arrest has sparked protest across the region. Resistance issued a statement immediately condemning the arrest and expressing solidarity with SUARAM.
Demonstrations have also been planned in several cities. In Melbourne, a demonstration will be held on December 11 at 5.30pm outside the Malaysian consulate on St Kilda Rd.