To meet our $300,000 91×ÔÅÄÂÛ̳ Weekly fighting fund target this year, we need less than half of what Commonwealth Bank CEO Ralph Norris gets paid in just week.
GLW supporters have raised $165,406 so far this year. To make the target, we need to raise a further $134,594. Every fundraising dinner, harbour cruise, jumble sale or fundraising barbeque will count in the dash to the finish. Week after week, we will ask our supporters for donations.
It will be a struggle to raise $134,594.
But the CEO of one of the four big banks, which makes its money by using your money and charging you for the privilege, gets paid $311,538 a week. Not bad pay for systematic daylight robbery.
Norris became Australia's highest paid corporate CEO this year when his pay packet rose by 75% to $16.2 million.
He beat Westfield boss Frank Lowy ($16 million), BHP Billiton CEO Marius Kloppers ($12.6 million), ANZ CEO Mike Smith ($10.9 million) and Westpac CEO Gail Kelly ($10.6 million).
The top pay goes to those who pillage the people and the planet the most.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the tracks ...
We should be able to make our fighting fund target — or come close, judging on previous experience. But we will need your help. Can you spare some cash from a late tax return? Or split your winnings on the Melbourne Cup, perhaps?
Remember more than half the money raised so far this year for our fighting fund has come from supporters who make a regular pledge to GLW. Is this something you would consider? Please give us a call (or write us an email or letter) if you can pledge a regular amount to GLW. Even $10 or $20 a month makes a big difference.
Donate online today at , or direct deposits can be made to Greenleft, Commonwealth Bank, BSB 062-006, account no. 00901992. Otherwise, you can send a cheque or money order to PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007 or donate on the toll-free line, 1800 634 206 (within Australia).