Since 2001, over 100 anti-democratic & repressive laws have been introduced in Australia by successive Federal and State governments. These laws are destroying the people’s hard-won and deeply valued democratic and civil rights fought for since the Eureka Rebellion in 1854.
But these attacks on our rights will not stop us from fighting for our livelihood, the environment, against injustice and war. The First Nations People started their fight against colonial invasion in 1788, for land rights and sovereignty. It continues today.
Trashing Democratic Rights in Australia - Online Q&A Discussion with:
- Bernard Collaery, Barrister and Human Rights Advocate
- Greg Barns, Democratic Rights Barrister
Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpf-2vrDIiGNzBvZ0LDMuH21qhgxyGt205.
- NSW/QLD/VIC/ACT/TAS - 6.30 pm
- SA - 6.00 pm
- WA - 3.30 pm